Dark Souls III - DS3 Ascended Mod RPG v.12.5 - Game mod - Download
The file DS3 Ascended Mod RPG v.12.5 is a modification for Dark Souls III, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 71.9 MB
Last Update: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Downloads: 1590
Last 7 days: 2
Report problems with download: [email protected]

DS3 Ascended Mod RPG is a mod for Dark Souls 3 , created by VanBuinen. If you end up enjoying this mod please consider supporting it’s creator through Paypal
Description (in author’s own words):
The Dark Souls of Dark Souls Mods.
-Adds New Enemy Types and Placements
-Enemy Physics Changed and Enemy AI Changed
-Boss Fights Changed
-New Armor Set Effects on Each Piece
-New Ring Effects
-New Weapon Effects
-New Enemy Debuffs
Use this link to donate is you like the mod: PayPal.Me/vanbuinen
1. Download UXM.
2. Open UXM and set the Executable Path to your Dark Souls III game installation.
3. Click the Unpack button. Let it finish.
4. Click the Patch button. This is required for the localization, image and script changes.
5. Open the DS3 Ascension Mod ZIP file you downloaded.
6. Extract the files.
7. The Data0 File goes in your Main Game Directory
8. The Files in Mapstudio Folder goes into the K:\Games\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game\map\mapstudio
9. The Item_dlc1.msgbnd, menu_dlc2.msgbnd, menu_dlc1.msgbnd Files goes into your DARK SOULS III\Game\msg\engus
10. Drag and drop extracted anibnd.dcx files from the download into your Game/chr folder (Ascended Mode)
Set Dark Souls III language ingame to English, otherwise the localization will not appear.
For Mod Engine
- Download UXM and Mod Engine
- Download mod (Easy or Hell)
- Select Dark Souls III executable with UXM and Unpack
- Don't Patch, once you've unpacked, close UXM
- Make a folder in your DS3 'Game' directory named anything. I called mine ascendedmod (/DS3/Game/ascendedmod/)
- Modify modengine.ini, and change the modOverrideDirectory="\ascendedmod" <- your mod folder name and make sure loadUXMFiles is 0
- Save modengine.ini, then move both 'modengine.ini' and 'dinput8.dll' to your /Game/ directory
- In your /ascendedmod folder, create two folders with the following structure:
- /map/mapstudio/
- /msg/engus/
- Finally, drop the mod 'Data0.bdt' into the /ascendedmod folder, the map files into the '/ascendedmod/map/mapstudio/' folder, and the dcx files into '/ascendedmod/msg/engus/' folder.
- Launch DS3 and your mod will be applied
Then, if you want to uninstall, simply remove the modengine.ini and dinput8.dll, and remove the /ascendedmod folder.
- Last update: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 71.9 MB