Elden Ring - First Person Souls - Full Game Conversion v.1.2.1 - Game mod - Download

The file First Person Souls - Full Game Conversion v.1.2.1 is a modification for Elden Ring, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 438.3 KB

Last Update: Friday, May 5, 2023

Downloads: 677

Last 7 days: 4

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First Person Souls - Full Game Conversion is a mod for Elden Ring, created by Dasaav. If you enjoy this mod please consider supporting it’s creator through Patreon.


A fully realized first person conversion of Elden Ring.

Travel to the Lands Between seen from an entirely new perspective - with your own eyes. First Person Souls offers a unique opportunity to experience Elden Ring like you have never before.

The simple idea of "first person Elden Ring" has been realized to its fullest, with First Person Souls adjusting core gameplay mechanics in subtle, but satisfying ways, all to make first person feel more seamless and polished.

A product of many months of work, ERFPS enhances your first person experience with many fully fleshed-out features, such as custom HUD elements, animation head tracking, changes to the player's movement and the overall feel of the game - all easily configurable in the mod's ini and the in-game settings.

ERFPS aims to be easy to use and install and to have maximum compatibility with other mods (see "compatibility"). The mod contains 3 files - a .dll file, an .ini file for configuration, and an .exe launcher - to enable the mod to run in parallel to a vanilla install without interfering with it.

It is written fully in C++ and assembly, licensed under MIT - its source code is available on its Github page. ERFPS uses a custom SIMD vector library (requires a CPU with SSE 4.1 support), and Techie's DXGI overlay hook. By itself it does not have any impact on performance, however, raising the field of view does require the game to render more geometry.

It can be played online with Seamless Co-op by LukeYui (online play on the official servers is not possible). Other recommended mods include replacing roll dodges with dashes and the Texture Improvement Project.


* Simple (no other mods):

Download the latest ERFPS version and unpack the archive

Copy all the files into your "ELDEN RING\Game" folder

Run "launch_elden_ring_erfps.exe" to play with the mod

NOTE: The mod will use the vanilla save, and all of your characters will be available

* Advanced (use with other mods):

Download the latest Elden Mod Loader? version from Nexus Mods and unpack the archive

Copy all the files into the "ELDEN RING\Game" folder

Download the latest ERFPS version from the Files tab or from Github and unpack the archive

Copy all the files into the "ELDEN RING\Game\mods" folder

(optional) Install other .dll mods in the same way

(optional) Seamless Co-op installation:

1. Download the latest version of Seamless Co-op?

2. Unpack the archive so that the SeamlessCoop folder is in the "ELDEN RING\Game" folder

3. Open the SeamlessCoop folder and copy elden_ring_seamless_coop.dll and seamlesscoopsettings.ini

4. Paste elden_ring_seamless_coop.dll and seamlesscoopsettings.ini into the "ELDEN RING\Game\mods" folder

Download the latest Mod Engine 2? and unpack the archive

(optional) Install Mod Engine 2 mods into its mod folder

Run Mod Engine's "launchmod_eldenring.bat" to launch the modded game


Simply move or delete the mod files: erfps.dll, erfps_settings.ini, launch_elden_ring_erfps.exe


This mod is designed for maximum compatibility. It should work together with most other mods, such as Seamless Coop, Elden Ring Reforged, Elden Lands, Elden Ring Dark Moon, Grand Merchant, Randomizer mods, etc.

It is not compatible with mods that affect the camera or majorly impact the structure of the same game functions this mod uses, such as Luke Ross VR. Compatibility with any presently released Elden Ring version is possible, but not guaranteed for versions below the current one.


The mod can't currently run on Linux. My long-term goal is to fix that, however I cannot say how long it will take.


* In game:

While in the default camera state (3rd person) press and hold your lock on button, whether it is on your keyboard, mouse or controller, to enter 1st person

In 1st person, holding interact enables free look mode, which disconnects camera movement from character rotation while held

While in 1st person press and hold your lock on button, whether it is on your keyboard, mouse or controller, to return to 3rd person

Additional settings are available under the Camera tab in the game's settings menu:

?? Track Dodges - Toggle head tracking for rolls (this setting overrides the .ini setting of?? the same name)

? ?FOV - The actual field of view of the 1st person camera

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

"Can I play this mod online?"

- Yes, with LukeYui's Seamless Co-op. As ERFPS is entirely clientside, the other players in multiplayer sessions do not need to have it installed.

"Can I get banned for using this mod?"

- It is impossible to get banned using Elden Ring FPS alone. Easy Anti-Cheat will stop you from playing on the official online servers, however it will not ban you. Even if used on the same save used for the vanilla game, it does not modify it in any way that will be considered invalid.

"I can't switch between perspectives, what's wrong?"

- If you are sure that the mod was loaded properly and you still can't use any of its controls, try resetting your KEYBOARD keybindings in the game's settings.

"Why is there no lock on in 1st person?"

- I have decided to remove lock on in 1st person as it interfered with movement and camera mechanics and was widely unnecessary with all the advantages a first person camera brings. Aim assist was added as a middle ground.

"Why does the mod function best in English? Will there be translations?"

- The custom settings options would have to be translated to other languages and function on the principle of string replacement. I can't anticipate and replace the strings in every language. I leave translating the mod to others, who are free to do so and post it, provided they credit my work.

"I am changing settings in the ini, yet nothing changes in the game? Help?"

- Make sure you are configuring the correct ini file - the one in the same folder as the ERFPS dll.

"Why do I have no shadow?"

- Due to technical limitations I cannot hide the head while preserving the shadow, and the result is often jarring. Player shadow has since been disabled.

"Why can I sometimes see the stump of my neck?"

- You mostly should not, however disabling Tracking on Hit can lead to more occurences. It is a result of the neck bending in an unnatural angle in some animation, or being knocked over without head tracking.

"I play Elden Ring on a Linux-based OS, can I play this mod?"

- The mod can't currently run on Linux. My long-term goal is to fix that, however I cannot say how long it will take.

  • Last update: Friday, May 5, 2023
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 438.3 KB