Original War - v. - Game update - Download
Game update (patch) to Original War , a(n) strategy game, v., added on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.
File Type: Game update
File Size: 88 MB
Last Update: Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Downloads: 5841
Last 7 days: 0
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Added: OpenGL Renderer (98% Complete)
Added: Basic Zoom to Editor (Overlays do not zoom)
Added: When creating a new mod via the editor you can now make it extract files from the game
Added: Ability to scroll the SAIL Editor window with the mouse wheel
Added: Ability to view variables values at runtime by hovering over them (Except Local variables)
Added: CenterWindow parameter (Can also be set via eset.ini)
Bug Fix: Bloody valley - far away siberite detection (Issue 10)
Bug Fix: Controlling enemy's factories (Issue 13)
Bug Fix: Restoration of 15a Ru/Am (Issue 48)
Bug Fix: multiplayer almost always synchronisation lost (Issue 51)
Bug Fix: Non-Existant Steam Achievements causing Lag (Issue 52)
Bug Fix: Game longer than 999999 ticks crashes when commands are issued to units (Issue 53)
Bug Fix: Increased FPS in-game (Issue 54)
Bug Fix: RU09 - Epsilon mission - messed up dialogs after ammo research (Issue 55)
Bug Fix: RU11 - Beta base attack mission - Russian soldiers die sometimes during scouting (Issue 56)
Bug Fix: Bloody Valley - Tree (Issue 59)
Bug Fix: Windowex parametr: Window resizing & FPS drops (Issue 60)
Bug Fix: Non-Americans can use partial invisibility (Issue 63)
Bug Fix: 11RU mission - bug? (Issue 67)
Bug Fix: Missing/incorrect voice for Burlak's dialogue in RU14a (English) (Issue 69)
Bug Fix: Joan Fergusson is available in RU15a when she should be dead (Issue 70)
Bug Fix: Spelling - Czech version (Issue 74)
Bug Fix: Ru_04 T. Gaidar (Issue 75)
Bug Fix: Hacked vehicle can still be controlled if it was the active unit (Issue 77)
Bug Fix: Inability to use non-default commands when player's side equals 0 (any) (Issue 78)
Bug Fix: Formation move cursor is constantly blinking in editor + access violations + sticky ALT (Issue 79)
Bug Fix: When GetTickCount returns negative number Range Check Error is tripped (Issue 84)
Bug Fix: Gaining experience from repairing own damage
Bug Fix: A vast majority of control exploits was fixed
- Last update: Tuesday, March 3, 2015
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 88 MB