Ben 10: Omniverse 2
The game is based on the popular animated series Ben 10, aired by Cartoon Network television station. It is a continuation of the production from November 2012, which tells another adventure of Ben - a boy who can turn into cosmic beings.
developer: High Voltage Software publisher: D3 Publisher Official website
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Ben 10 Omniverse 2 has everything fans love about the hit series: Aliens, Action, and an all‐new Adventure! Set off on an all‐new adventure with Ben as he infiltrates Incursean battleships to secretly return to earth… Face off against new enemies featuring authentic voices in an all‐new story written by the writers of the actual Ben 10 Omniverse TV series. High‐flying platforming action and new aliens make this the most intense Ben 10 game yet!
Last updated on 11 September 2013