One Must Fall is a classic two-dimensional killing, created by Rob Elam and his Diversion Entertainment studio. This is not an official game, but an early version of One Must Fall 2097, which went on sale to the general public in 1994.
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One Must Fall Description
One Must Fall is a classic two-dimensional killing, created by Rob Elam and his Diversion Entertainment studio. This is not an official game, but an early version of One Must Fall 2097, which went on sale to the general public in 1994.
The player plays the role of a karateka, which will take place in a duel with a twinly similar warrior. The game is basically no different from Street Fighter and other productions of this type. At the top of the screen there is a power strip, which illustrates our longevity. If we manage to deprive her of her opponent by means of accurate hits, the skirmish ends with our victory. The player has a large repertoire of strokes, both with the hand and the leg. There are also a few special blows, which he performs with the help of a predetermined sequence of movements. These strikes are much more powerful than traditional ones, but due to the greater degree of complication, it is more difficult to perform them.
The visual setting is very good and you can see that already in the first phase of the project called One Must Fall 2097, Rob Elam had nothing to be ashamed of. Music and sound effects are not to be found here at all. Although this program has little in common with its successor (we fight with people and not with robots), it can be a covetous morsel for fans to kill, not so much because of its playability, but because of its historical significance.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
One Must Fall Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Diversions Entertainment
Age restrictions: none