Shadowbane is an MMORPG developed by Wolfpack Studios. The game takes players to a fantastical realm engulfed in chaos resulting from a treacherous assassination of King Cambruin. The gameplay revolves around duels, during which players have to fight each other and complete numerous quests generated by the so-called ‘Game Masters’.
Videos and Screens
Shadowbane Description
On 1 July 2009, the game servers were shut down, and Ubisoft announced the termination of their support for the game.
The story takes place in a fantastical realm engulfed by chaos resulting from a treacherous assassination of King Cambruin. Developers decided to put a strong emphasis not only on fighting evil beasts that inhabit the lands surrounding the realm but also on duels between players themselves. The PC release of Shadowbane offers a number of interesting quests generated automatically by the ‘Game Masters’.
Players get to create their own character by selecting one of ten diverse races – seven are available from the start, while the remaining three become available to more advanced players after some time. When creating a character, the player can select from four unique classes (fighter, mage, healer, rogue). After a proper training, these characters can level up and unlock 18 additional classes (assassin, barbarian, bard, channeler, confessor, crusader, druid, fury, huntress, prelate, priest, ranger, scout, templar, thief, warrior, warlock, and wizard). Players can reach a certain level of initiation starting from different character settings – even though two separate characters share the same level they can exhibit completely different features and abilities.
Moreover, heroes featured in Shadowbane can exercise 27 so-called disciplines, which, with proper training and obeying certain rules, might give them even more rare abilities. One of the base aspects of the game is the guild system allows players to form groups – after reaching certain reputation and fame levels, a player can obtain a piece of land, on which he can build defensive structures, and even entire cities. This creates new possibilities enabling clans to take hostile territories over.
Technical aspects
The well-balanced experience loss system is worth noticing, as it is enabled whenever a player reaches his demise or is defeated by another player. Moreover, whenever a player wins a duel he is rewarded adequately to the level difference between the dueling opponents.
Last updated on July 12, 2017
Shadowbane Summary
PC / Windows March 25, 2003 July 1, 2009 (EOL)
Developer: Wolfpack Studios
Publisher: Ubisoft

Shadowbane System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Processor Pentium III 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 32 MB graphic card, 1 GB HDD
Game Expansions for Shadowbane

Shadowbane: The Rise of Chaos
July 1, 2009
Expansion to the game Shadowbane created by the authors of the original - Wolfpack Studios team. Add-on not only introduces a number of system improvements, but also gives us over thirty areas to explore (where you can encounter completely new types of enemies), a number of new professions (such as Sentry specialized in offensive spells and Doomsayer based on dark magic), disciplines (e.g. Conjurer allowing you to summon Chaos beasts) and a completely new race - Nephilim.in.

Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion
July 1, 2009
The second expansion to Shadowbane, a popular legacy MMORPG developed by Wolfpack Studios. The action of the add-on sees the players battle an invasion from the Land of the Dead. We're given access to new worlds, as well as the ability to roll vampire classes. The add-on also introduces new city management and siege features, as well as a unique strategic system that enables the player to control a given area of the world map. When it comes to character classes, the expansion introduces two new character classes (Nightstalker and Necromancer) with numerous arts and combat abilities dedicated to the remaining choices. The expansion also introduces additional quests, new items, and world map areas.