The Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir

The Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir


Release Date: January 12, 2012

Adventure, horror, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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The Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir is a horror game in which we try to help a mysterious girl named Maya, who is hiding in an old house, break the curse thrown at her. The title uses the Nintendo 3DS console camera, allowing players to take advantage of the so-called augmented reality.



in Project Zero / Fatal Frame Game Series

Game Series

Project Zero / Fatal Frame Series

The survival horror series, which Japanese gamers know as Zero, in Europe and Australia is distributed under the banner of Project Zero, while in the United States it appears under the name Fatal Frame. Koei Tecmo is responsible for creating subsequent installments of the series.

7 video games

Project Zero / Fatal Frame Game Series

The Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir Summary