World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002

World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002


Release Date: March 26, 2002

Racing, cars, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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A virtual version of the most popular in the United States, races of extraordinary 800-horsepower vehicles, which can accelerate to very high speeds up to 170mph.

World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002 Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows February 11, 2003

PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2 March 26, 2002

Developer: Ratbag Games

Publisher: Atari / Infogrames

Age restrictions: none

World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002 System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium III 800MHz, 128MB RAM, 16MB graphic card, 1.6 GB HDD

Sony PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2

Supports: memory card 8 MB