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News video games 27 May 2024, 01:07

author: Adrian Werner

Devs Didn’t Lie; 'Communist' City Builder Will Finally Raise Steam Early Access Curtain. Version 1.0 of Workers & Resources Will Be Released in June

Studio 3Division Entertainment and Hooded Horse announced that the popular strategy game Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic will leave early access next month.

Source: Hooded Horse.

In December, 3Division Entertainment promised that version 1.0 of the Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic strategy would debut in 2024, ending early access that lasted over five years. We already know that the devs will keep their word, as they have just announced the imminent release date.

  1. Version 1.0 Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic will be released on June 20 this year.
  2. On the occasion of revealing the premiere date, a new trailer was also released, which you can watch below.

Let's remind that Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic debuted in early access in March 2019. The game is available for purchase in Steam Early Access. The initial release of the game was well received, with 92% of reviews on Steam praising the title, leading the service to categorize it as a "very positive" reception.

Since its release, Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic has been constantly developed. The developers have recently been primarily focused on improving the technical aspects of the game in preparation for the release of version 1.0. The updates and released this month have fixed many errors, without introducing any new content or mechanisms. Therefore, we will need to wait until June 20th for the actual updates.

In the meantime, the game is being intensively developed by the players themselves. They have already made over nine thousand modifications available on Steam Workshop, mainly adding various objects, buildings, and machines.

  1. Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic on Steam

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
