Prince of Persia The Lost Crown: All bosses
In the latest installment of Prince of Persia you will come to fight a wide range of powerful bosses. On this page of the guide you will find a list of all the bosses present in the game.
Apart from the common enemies wandering the corridors of the cursed Citadel, in The Lost Crown from time to time you will have to face much stronger opponents. Spectacular duels will test your skills, and some bosses will certainly prove to be a challenge even for the more experienced players. The list below is a collection of basic information about each boss in the game. This knowledge may prove helpful during your attempts to defeat said bosses.
- General Uvishka
- Sword Master
- Undead Prisoner
- Erlik
- Jahandar
- Alternate Sargon
- Kiana, the Forest Queen
- Azdaha, Enemy of Humans and Gods
- Orod, The Storm Master
- Menolias, The Arrow of Destiny
- Vahram, White Lion
- Darius, King of Kings
- Vahram, Time and Space
The following guide (especially the later entries on the list) contains plot spoilers.
General Uvishka
The final duel of The Lost Crown's tutorial. Fighting this opponent should not pose a big challenge. Pay special attention to attacks preceded by a yellow or red flash. These first ones can be parried. You must avoid the red ones at all costs. Use Slide a lot to avoid the sweeping attacks.
Sword Master
When fighting this enemy, watch out for the larger enemy's sweeping attacks. Do a quick combo after each attack of the Sword Master. The boss's red attack can be easily avoided by sliding behind his back. An effective dodge also provides an opportunity for a quick counterattack. Use the Athra Surges you obtained a moment ago when the enemy is in the right spot.
Undead Prisoner

A large opponent that you will encounter in the Lower City. He fights using a stone pillar, with which he can easily hit Sargon from a great distance. During the red attack, he will start charging at you. To avoid being hit, try to slide behind his back. His yellow attack is quite slow and can be parried, so you should easily sense the moment to press the block button. At the end of the fight, the Prisoner will try to crush you with the pillar he is holding. We recommend to perform a single attack and immediately slide behind the boss's back to avoid getting hit.

The magical boar of the Hyrcanian Forest. The animal will often try to charge, so if possible, try to jump over it or slide at the right moment. Sometimes, however, the boar will turn around while charging and finish its move with an unblockable tusk attack. His red attack involves shooting poison orbs that will remain on the ground for a short while. Maintain distance during this move.
The boss can cause trouble for early-game Sargon. However, focus on observing the boss's behavior - before attacking, he will often make a swing, which if noticed in time will help you avoid the attack. Be especially careful of the back leg attack, which Erlik will precede by looking back.
The first serious opponent in the game. The manticore will use its tail to attack, which, after hitting the ground, will create a temporary pool of poisonous substance. When you see an attack coming, slide to get behind the beast. The boss also uses its tail to perform a sweeping attack over a large area. Be sure to move to a safe distance.
From time to time, Jahandar will fly into the air and fall down after a few seconds. You can determine where he will land by observing a shadow (watch out for debris falling from the sky right after the boss lands). In the second phase, the manticore will summon a purple orb that will shock Sargon when he stands in one place for too long. You can try to shoot it down with a bow, but in our opinion, you can ignore the orb, as it moves quite slowly. You can avoid getting hit be being on the move at all times.
Move a lot, use slides, wait for a good opportunity to attack (especially after a stronger enemy attack) and parry the yellow attacks.
Alternate Sargon
You fight your clone. The dark version of the protagonist has access to a similar set of moves as your hero (plus the new Athra Surge that you will receive after defeating the boss). Try to parry his attacks, and use the opponent's small size to launch him into the air and perform careful combos mid-air.
Kiana, the Forest Queen
A difficult fight full of various animations and attacks, which are best to analyze one by one:
- An attack in which the two bosses jump "out of the background" will be preceded by flashing eyes. Quickly dodge to the side and then land a few attacks before the enemies have a chance to jump away.
- The "underground" attack will be preceded by a whirlwind of wind and flashing eyes. Go to the side and prepare your bow to shoot the poisonous sprouts that will appear in the arena a few seconds later.
- Try to avoid the spear throw by jumping back or sliding towards the boss. It's quite easy to avoid the slowly moving wolf, and by jumping over its body, you can deal it a few attacks from above.
- When Kiana throws her spinning spear, use a slide attack when the weapon is right in front of you. Land a few blows, but don't stay too long, as the spear returning like a boomerang will damage you.
- During monochromatic sections preceded by a wolf howling, focus on avoiding incoming attacks. Pay attention to how high the attacking queen is and use a jump or slide at the right moment.
- When the rider starts attacking you, swinging a shiny red spear, try to use the spirit to dodge her at the right moment.
- After parrying the yellow attack and the counterattack animation, immediately head to the corner of the arena, where the pair, confused for a few seconds, will be an easy target.
The key to winning against the Forest Queen is to learn her attacks well. Over time, you will start to notice certain patterns - this knowledge will help you achieve success.
Azdaha, Enemy of Humans and Gods
Another challenging fight testing the player's skills. Here are the things you should pay attention to:
- The snake will start the fight by trying to bite Sargon. If you manage to avoid the attack, quickly counterattack. In the later phases of the fight, Azdaha will immediately try to bite you again after the first attempt.
- One of the red attacks will involve a quick flick of its tail. Jump over the beast's body, but be careful because the boss will often try to bite you.
- The only way to avoid being hit by the laser is to quickly move to the very end of the arena and make a calculated jump over the beam. As for the more difficult version of this attack, when the laser will leave sharp crystals behind, your task will be to use the spirit near the center of the map, escape to the edge of the arena, and then teleport to the spirit you left earlier.
- The red attack with exploding orbs will give you a chance to counterattack. Stand under one of the falling orbs and then use the Dimension Claw to catch it. Then throw the projectile into the beast's snout.
- Arrows flying from the sky are quite easy to outmaneuver using a series of slides.
- The rattle attack from under the ground is followed by a series of projectiles from the tail. These should be fairly easy to avoid or block.
- The yellow attack consists of two moves - tail attack and head attack. Be sure to jump over the tail, because ONLY THE HEAD OF THE BEAST CAN BE PARRIED!
The fight against Azdaha involves learning the boss's behaviors and animations. However, these are much slower than Kiana's attacks, so the fight itself should be a bit easier.
Orod, The Storm Master
A member of the Immortals and Sargon's former comrade, he is characterized by a large number of unblockable red attacks. During the fight, remember these key pieces of information:
- Attack after Orod finishes his charge. However, don't stay close to him too long, because the boss will attack you up close.
- Avoid the thrown weapon by simply running away. This attack cannot be blocked.
- Watch out for sweeping anchor attacks, as they extend around the boss's entire body.
- You can avoid the AOE attack preceded by a longer animation by jumping high, placing the ghost and immediately teleporting to it. Thanks to this, you will stay in the air long enough to avoid the devastating effects of the attack.
- The ghost will also be useful for avoiding spinning tornadoes.
- Avoid the spinning anchors attack at all costs - it lasts for a long time and deals significant damage to Sargon.
During this fight, a good timing will be the most important. Maneuver skillfully around the boss and be patient. Being too greedy with attacks can end with a brutal counter from the Storm Master.
Menolias, The Arrow of Destiny
Menolias, Sargon's ex-companion, is a challenging adversary skilled in archery and hand-to-hand combat, whom you will have to confront. Here are some tips that will help you beat him:
- The archer is incredibly fast and responds to the player's movements by jumping back and then attacking from a distance. His primary weapon is a bow from which he fires red, homing arrows. Avoid them with dash when they get close to you. In this way, the arrow won't have time to find the correct trajectory. Also try to avoid getting hit by arrows as you rush towards the boss in order to reach a vulnerable opponent and counterattack.
- From time to time, Menolias will spread golden stars across the map, hindering smooth navigation. You'll get rid of them with a precise shot from a bow.
- Despite its stunning mobility, the enemy member of the Immortals is also very lightweight. When the chance comes, attempt to launch him into the air and strike him with your sword several times. The game won't let you "juggle" the boss forever, but a few effective combinations in the air will certainly help you in the fight.
- During the sequence with arrows falling from the sky, you just need to sense the right moment to dodge and wait for the attack to pass.
- You can deflect a hail of yellow arrows. I'll send one of the arrows towards the boss.
- In the second phase of the fight, Menolias will concentrate on melee attacks. Avoid the fast attack that will occur after throwing the chakram at all costs. You can try to deflect it, but be cautious - the window for successful parrying is small and hard to detect.
- Don't approach the boss when an orange aura appears around him. This mistake will have painful consequences.
Menolias will force you to react swiftly and execute accurate counterattacks. However, by following the above tips, you'll definitely meet the challenge posed by Sargon's former companion.
Vahram, White Lion
After going back in time, you'll again face your old mentor - Vahram. Your second fight with the leader of the Immortals will occur under much fairer conditions than the one-sided confrontation from the early stage of the game. Here are a few tips on how to beat this boss:
- You'll take part in the first stage of the fight alongside a younger version of Sargon. Although less experienced, he will help you distract your opponent. Wait for the moment when Vahram is occupied with the computer-controlled Sargon and then attack.
- During various attacks, Vahram will summon white spheres that cause damage. Avoid them whenever you can. They deal heavy damage and expose you to further attacks.
- The boss is surrounded by a dangerous red sphere that slows down time. If you can't avoid it, Vahram will get you.
- Vahram likes to complement his signature attack with a red overhead slash and a rotational area attack, following the unsuccessful attempt to capture Sargon in the red sphere. Be vigilant as the number of vertical cuts may change in the later stages of the fight. Wait patiently after jumping out of range for the animation to finish, at which point you'll have the chance to counterattack.
- In the next stages, Vahram will begin emitting red energy waves from his sword. These are quite easy to dodge.
- In the section where the game screen will be "cut" by numerous lines, you'll need to find free space between the slashes. Otherwise, you'll receive serious damage.
- This boss has an annoying ability to reverse time and the damage he has taken. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do counter that, so be prepared for the fact that Vahram will occasionally regain some of his health. Be ready to quickly dodge as the leader enjoys launching surprise attacks right after reversing time.
Fighting Vahram tests your ability to position yourself effectively in the arena. Don't let failed attempts discourage you, as you'll eventually grasp the subtle rules that govern this particular fight.
Darius, King of Kings
Fighting the King who emerged from the grave is somewhat reminiscent of the earlier confrontation with Orod. The formidable opponent has attacks with an enormous area of effect. You can defeat him as long as you remember a few crucial points:
- During the first stage of the fight, the King will use the element of ice, and his movements will be sluggish and slow. You are able to parry powerful sword strikes on the ground.
- Area ice attacks are much more dangerous. The first one will be preceded by an air attack. The second will freeze the entire lower part of the map. Coming into the contact with the ice will freeze you temporarily and anger the furious boss. To effectively avoid this unpleasant outcome, make frequent use of the suspended handles at the top of the map that you can pull yourself towards. You can move quickly around the arena by using them properly.
- In the second phase, Darius's sword will catch fire and the King of Kings will move much faster. He will set the floor on fire with his signature move, while directed attacks will be launched towards you. Avoid them at all costs.
- The series of attacks will culminate in a leap towards the center of the arena and flaming circles. Quickly approach the boss if you manage to evade the fire attack. The flaming circle attack animation provides the perfect opportunity for a counterattack.
- During the attack with a circle of lightning, it will be crucial to position yourself far away from the area of attack.
- The white flame attack will again force you to dodge the homing strikes. You can deflect the last one (colored yellow), which will activate a spectacular animation of Sargon's counterattack and will deal significant damage to Darius.
The main challenge in this fight will be accurately sensing the reach of the opponent's specific attacks. Try to extract lessons from failures and carefully learn how to handle a powerful opponent.
Vahram, Time and Space
The final battle with Vahram, filled with divine power. The fight has 4 phases and will test your skills in using a variety of abilities. Here are some tips:
- The Dimensional Claw can intercept or deflect the circular yellow orb attack. Utilize this skill or simply avoid the incoming projectiles.
- Good timing is required for the attack with two flaming spheres. Leaving the specter at the bottom of the arena, approaching Vahram, attacking him, and then withdrawing to the spirit when the burning "suns" come too close could be a good strategy.
- An attack with a wide radius will force you to stay in the air as long as possible. Try to delay the jump as long as possible and use teleportation to the ghost if there are any kind of problems.
- Vahram locked in crystal can be vulnerable to attack, but you need to be mindful of the slowly closing ring of fire. You'll escape its perimeter by teleporting to the thrown chakram. Don't hurry at this stage and avoid lingering in the line of fire for too long.
- Between phases, the game will force you to destroy the sphere positioned above Vahram. You can use this moment to drink the healing potion.
- You can deflect or jump over a dynamic side attack. The series of slashes will end with a jumping attack. Run under the opponent and strike when he lands.
- To avoid the attack with shadows falling from the sky, you'll need to use the ability to teleport to the shadow.
- The attack with the slashed screen bears some resemblance to the previous fight with Vahram. This time, it will end with a yellow attack that can be deflected, causing Sargon to deal significant damage to the opponent.
- The third stage will introduce a Vahram clone, which will further enhance the boss's attacks.
- The final phase is basically a cutscene. The protagonist will begin to move much faster with the new power, and Vahram's attacks will start to inflict significantly less damage. Finish this sequence.
While challenging, the fight against the game's final boss presents an intriguing blend of diverse mechanics. Its completion brings a lot of satisfaction.
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