Monkey Bar Games
Monkey Bar Games is a developer.
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Monkey Bar Games is a developer of video games. Monkey Bar Games has been active on the market since before 2005. One of its first projects was game Dora the Explorer: Journey to the Purple Planet. In publishing its games, Monkey Bar Games collaborates with D3 Publisher. The developer's most recent work is Turbo: Super Stunt Squad. The developer's most recent work is Turbo: Super Stunt Squad. Production release occurred on 16 July 2013.
Most Popular Games Developed by Monkey Bar Games
Dora the Explorer: Journey to the Purple Planet
Arcade - October 13, 2005
Developed Games
List of all released games developed by Monkey Bar Games.
Ben 10: Omniverse - November 13, 2012 - PS3, Wii, X360, WiiU, NDS, 3DS
Ben 10: Galactic Racing - October 18, 2011 - X360, PS3, Wii, NDS, 3DS, PSV
Yogi Bear: The Video Game - December 7, 2010 - NDS, Wii
Despicable Me: The Game - July 6, 2010 - Wii, NDS, PS2, PSP
Ben 10: Alien Force The Game - October 28, 2008 - PS2, Wii, PSP, NDS
Dora the Explorer: Journey to the Purple Planet - October 13, 2005 - PS2, GCN