Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince
The next installment in a spin-off series of jRPGs by Square Enix. Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince tells the tale of the titular demon prince, cursed to be unable to fight monsters. He thus becomes a Monster Wrangler, capturing them and commanding them to battle.
developer: Square Enix publisher: Square Enix Official website
Games similar to Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince
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Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is the third installment of in a series of turn-based RPGs by Square Enix - one of the largest gaming companies in the world. The series is a spin-off of Dragon Quest, revolving around finding and recruiting various monsters. Known as Dragon Quest Monsters 3 in Japan, the game is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.
The game's protagonist is Psaro, a demon prince cursed by his father, and thus unable to hunt monsters. Said monsters are wreaking havoc across the peaceful land of Nadiria, with no one to oppose them. To get his revenge, Psaro must become a Monster Wrangler, recruiting monsters and commanding them to battle. On his journey, he also meets Rose, a friendly elf who accompanies him during the adventure.
The player's main goal is to find and capture monsters scattered all over the vast, fantasy land of Nadiria. There are over 500 different creature types available in the game, which we must train, increase their stats and use in battle against enemies.
There are two ways to wrangle a monster: successful scouting or defeating it with the help of previously recruited monsters (we can have up to 8 units in our party at once). Yet another major mechanic is synthesis, combining two monsters into a single powerful one.
The player will also face off against other characters aiming to become the Master of Monsterkind. These battles are held in arenas, where both fighters command their units to defeat their opponent's monsters.
Technical aspects
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince features 3D anime-styled graphics. The in-game world consists of many unique environments, ranging from bubbling lava rivers, through mysterious ancient ruins, to massive towers made of cake. The game also features changing seasons, making the scenery even more diverse.
Last updated on 12 September 2024
Game mode: single / multiplayer Multiplayer mode: Internet
PEGI rating Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince System requirements
PC / Windows
- Minimum:
- Intel Core i3-3220 3.3 GHz / AMD A8-7600 3.1 GHz
- 8 GB RAM
- graphic card 2 GB GeForce GTX 750 / Radeon RX 460
- 10 GB HDD
- Windows 10/11 64-bit
- Recommended:
- Intel Core i3-7100 3.9 GHz / AMD Ryzen 3 1200 3.1 GHz
- 8 GB RAM
- graphic card 2 GB GeForce GTX 950 / 4 GB Radeon RX 560
- 10 GB HDD
- Windows 10/11 64-bit