Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Continuation of a three-dimensional platformer based on themes known from Disney's animated films. The player takes on the role of Mickey Mouse, which encounters many dangers on its way and has to face different opponents. The production is signed with the name Warrena Spectora.
developer: Blitz Games publisher: Disney Interactive Studios Official website
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Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
Embark on another epic journey with Mickey and Oswald! Return to Wasteland, a world filled with 80 years of forgotten Disney characters and theme park attractions, and unleash the power of creativity in a battle to save this magical world from a new, hidden threat!
Last updated on 16 October 2012
Game mode: single / multiplayer Multiplayer mode: Internet
User score: 8.3 / 10 based on 279 votes.
Pre-release expectations: 9.1 / 10 based on 51 votes.
PEGI rating Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two