Max Payne Game Score
This page contains scores of Max Payne. Total Score consists of the Average Users' Score, the Editors' Score, and the Experts' Score. Average User Score is an average of all scores given by the players on our websites. Editors' Score is a rating given by the editors of Experts' Score is an average of all scores given by our associated pro gamers. Users' Expectations are the expectations of gamers before the release of the game. Max Payne is available for PC PS2 XBOX GBA PS3 PS4 AND iOS.
PC Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 974 out of 55122
current position 416 out of 18962
current position 411 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 6525 votes
Editor's Score
Our Editor's point of view.
Expert's Score
Additional score by our pro gamers.
PS2 Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 9940 out of 55122
current position 230 out of 1854
current position 3457 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 358 votes
Expert's Score
Additional score by our pro gamers.
GBA Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 10020 out of 55122
current position 27 out of 526
current position 3484 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 142 votes
AND Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 11056 out of 55122
current position 232 out of 2520
current position 3781 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 63 votes
XBOX Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 11656 out of 55122
current position 131 out of 810
current position 3926 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 241 votes
PS4 Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 13739 out of 55122
current position 1029 out of 5098
current position 4489 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 35 votes
PS3 Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 13740 out of 55122
current position 763 out of 2293
current position 4490 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 30 votes
iOS Game Score of Max Payne
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 15902 out of 55122
current position 373 out of 2887
current position 5060 out of 13712
Average User Score
Score after release out of 37 votes