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Iesabel (AND cover
Game Box forIesabel (AND)


Iesabel is a fantasy action-RPG produced by Madman Theory Games studio in Gdynia. The player takes on the role of a hero who has to face the cruel queen Iesabel and her cult of the crazy god Baal. Production allows you to have fun in the mode of cross-platform cooperation.

RPG | fantasy | hack'and'slash | Polish | co-op | action RPG

Iesabel Release Date







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Dungeon Hunter 4

Sacred Legends

In the far lands of the South, in the sacred city of Yeroh, cor­rup­tion spawned. The King was bewitched by a for­eign princess so fair and beau­ti­ful, that he lost all rea­son and made her his wife. Since then Iesabel, who’s heart is cold as ice and dark as the eter­nal night, reigns. And she brought forth the cult of her evil mas­ter, the insane god Baal. Dark­ness spilled forth into the world, bring­ing with it a tide of destruc­tion and pain. It’s waves reached even the far North, where in a one peace­ful vil­lage of Slava your long and hard jour­ney begins. So…

Multi­tude of unique loca­tions set in dif­fer­ent sur­round­ings. You’ll visit shrines, dun­geons, deserts, swamps, cementer­ies, vil­lages and many, many more!

An easy to under­stand yet expanded tree of skills. You have three types of skills: Class, Eth­nic, Alchemy. Each char­ac­ter class obvi­ously spe­cialises in a dif­fer­ent set of skills and you can not just pump your points into the lat­est one, often it’s more ben­e­fi­tial to invest in lower tier abilities.

A fully ran­dom sys­tem of items drop. Except for quest rewards you’re very unlikely to see two iden­ti­cal items dur­ing your game. Each has dif­fer­ent abil­i­ties and mod­i­fi­ca­tors, so there is always a rea­son to search for bet­ter ones. There also are very rare and very pow­er­ful drops that will give you a sig­nif­i­cant edge in your fights.

A com­plex item craft­ing sys­tem. You can make some extremely pow­er­full items if you’re lucky. Over a hun­dred dif­fer­ent types of ene­mies to slaugher. From wildlife, through undead armies, to giant golems that are short to invin­ci­ble, you will encounter chal­lenges through­out your whole journey.

Mul­ti­player mode is not about giv­ing any promises that we can­not uphold. We don’t claim that it is phe­nom­e­nal, rev­o­lu­tion­ary, that it takes you to nir­vana and cures can­cer. It’s exactly what you want. A great way to spend time with your friends slash­ing some bad guys. But wait! Your bro is an avid iPad user? Your aunt has a PC and you’d rather play on your new 5inch Full HD smart­phone? No prob­lemo, you can all join your forces and dis­mem­ber some mon­sters, each using their pref­ered device.

Last updated on 22 December 2014

Game mode: single / multiplayer   Multiplayer mode: Internet   Player counter: 1 - 8  

App size:

User score: 4.8 / 10 based on 106 votes.

Age restrictions Iesabel: 12+

Iesabel System requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

  • Recommended:
  • Core 2 Duo 2 GHz
  • 4 GB RAM
  • graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 9600 or better)
  • 5 GB HDD
  • Windows 7/8
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