A series of episodic games created by Telltale Games studio, which is the resurrection of the legendary adventure series. As a representative of a noble family, we set off on a dangerous expedition, during which we will visit many locations, get to know a lot of interesting characters and solve a lot of ingenious riddles.
Telltale's King's Quest Description
King’s Quest is a traditional adventure game by Telltale Games, a development studio known for creating such episodic productions as Sam and Max, Wallace and Gromit, Tales of Monkey Island, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and The Walking Dead.
The game is a continuation of the King’s Quest series that has not seen any new release since Mask of Eternity from 1998. Once again, we assume the role of a royal family member who sets out for a journey full of adventures and dangers.
King’s Quest is a classic adventure game. Most of the time, we explore locations, talk to characters, gather items and clues, and solve puzzles. The game is divided into four standalone episodes. Each of these can be played separately, without the knowledge of the remaining ones, although completing them in the “correct” order is much more rewarding.
Last updated on August 18, 2015
Telltale's King's Quest Summary
Game Series: King's Quest
PC / Windows
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: Telltale Games
Age restrictions: none
Telltale's King's Quest System Requirements
Xbox 360
Uses: Xbox Live
PlayStation 3
Uses: PlayStation Network