Transport Tycoon: World Editor
Transport Tycoon Expansion Pack
Release Date: September 7, 1995
Strategy, economic, isometric view, 2D, transport, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer
The only official addition to Transport Tycoon. In the set you will find a board editor and new graphic elements, styling the area for the planet Mars.
Transport Tycoon: World Editor Description
It's 1930. You're presented with a vast game world made up of numerous small towns and raw material resources. You've got $100,000 and you've got to prove yourself; to set the wheels in motion to become the Transport Tycoon. You build railway lines and roads, buy trains, trucks, buses, aircraft, and ships, organize them to transport the cargo and passengers, and reap the profits when you deliver the goods.
An add-on pack for Transport Tycoon, allowing the creation of new landscapes to use in Transport Tycoon, modem link for the 2-player game, and alternative 'Martian' graphics set.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Transport Tycoon: World Editor Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: MicroProse
Publisher: MicroProse
Age restrictions: none
Transport Tycoon: World Editor System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: PC AT 386 33MHz, 4MB RAM, VGA

Base Gamefor Transport Tycoon: World Editor