All Skills in For the King 2, Hardwork, Called Shot, Steadfast and More
If you are wondering about skills in For the King 2, read our article. We describe them all, including Hardwork, Called Shot and Steadfast.

For the King 2 is a new demanding RPG. The title is unique because while you have a “party”, you have to give orders to each character in turns. It makes the game ideal for multiplayer adventures. You and your friends will be able to pick one o many classes, each of which is characterized by various skills. Some of them confuse players. We will talk about them here.
All Skills in For the King 2, Hardwork, Called Shot, Steadfast and More
If you don’t know the skill of your character in For the King 2, you may check it in in-game encyclopedia. It is available in the menu, from both – the main screen and in-game. There is a search option in it, so you can search for something easily. However, we have prepared a description of them for you here, too.
- Build Scarecrow – chance to build it on an available front row (combat).
- Called Shot – a chance for a perfect roll when equipped with a bow.
- Cheers – a chance to pass alcohol effects to neighbors in combat.
- Distract – a chance to disrupt a successful attack roll against other party members.
- Eager – chance to act first (combat).
- Elite Ambush – requires 1 slot roll to ambush solo enemies or 2 slot rolls for camps.
- Elite Sneak – requires 2 slot rolls to sneak solo enemies or 3 slot rolls for camps.
- Energy Boost – chance to gain an action point at the end of a turn.
- Eureka – full focus on level up.
- Find Alcohol – chance to gain an alcohol at the end of a turn on land or in dungeon.
- Find Herb – chance to gain a herb at the end of a turn on land or in dungeon.
- Find Scroll – chance to gain a scroll at the end of a turn on land or in dungeon.
- Guard – negate melee damage on any ally directly behind (need a shield).
- Hardwork – consuming last focus in combat will provide an extra primary action.
- Herd – chance on a sheep follower joining your party on end of a turn.
- Iron Belly – negates negative debuffs from alcohol.
- Justice – chance of adding splash damage to a perfect strike with a two-handed weapon.
- Make Potion – chance to gain a potion at the end of a turn on land or in dungeon.
- Navigator – Receive 2 additional movement points at the end of the turn on boats while driving offroad or on the ocean.
- Nice Day – chance of gaining overworld movement on sunny day.
- Party Heal – Provide partial healing to neighbors in combat, overworld and at rest.
- Refocus – chance to regain a focus point at the end of a turn on land or in dungeon.
- Scout – chance to reveal the contents of the next dungeon room.
- Smoke Flee – chanve to flee any combat tile and requires 1 less skill roll.
- Steadfast – chance to negate damage from attack when shield is equipped.
- Support Range – join combat from an additional hex away.
- Survey – chance to discover a hidden POI.
- Tactics – chance to buff a combat tile that provides a +5 increase to attack power.
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