Riot Games Announces an Online Shooter
Riot Games, the creators of League of Legends, has announced that it is working on a mysterious first person shooter. The game is known as Project A and we don't know much about it yet.

During the 10th anniversary of League of Legends livestream, Riot Games announced that it was working on a online FPS. The mysterious title is only known as Project A for the time being and we know that it is in no way connected with the company's megahit - this is the first time the developer has created a game outside LoL universe.
The game will focus on realism, competition and the proper use of the different skills of each character. It is also very important for creators that their work offers equal opportunities to all players - e.g. through refined network code and solutions to battle cheaters.
"Anti-cheat solutions are one of the most important things for us. We will do everything in our power to make your clashes fair," said Anna Donlon, the executive producer of the new title.
For the time being, Project A is in the early stages of production - the creators warned that for a long time we may not receive any further details about it. It is also unknown when the game will be available on the market.
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