Star Trucker - Can You Charge Battery (Power Cells)
Wasting is a bad and pricey habit. That’s why many people would like to charge their batteries in Star Trucker. Can you save your old Power Cells, though? Let’s find out.

Star Trucker is a new space sim with a twist. You do not fight in epic battles or build an empire, you are a truck driver… but in space. Of course, many people decided to test the title, as there are never enough relaxing simulators. However, one problem concerns players – can you charge batteries? New Power Cells are expensive.
Star Trucker – Can You Charge Battery (Power Cells)
One of the first lessons in Star Trucker is to keep track of your Power Cells. They get empty pretty quickly and you have to install new ones quite often. Of course, many players are starting to wonder if they have missed something. Surely, there is a way to recharge your batteries, isn’t it?
The answer is no, you can’t. The only thing you can do is to buy Power Cells with bigger capacity. So, with a good conscious you can sell your empty batteries. However, don’t lose hope. While Star Trucker is not in early access and in theory, the game is ready, there is a chance that developers will add this feature in the future, as it is really sought after. Many posts on Steam forum are about Power Cells and recharging them.
While it can be annoying, it seems that lack of chargeable batteries does not stop numerous people from enjoying the title, as it has mostly positive reviews on Steam. The game is also available in the Game Pass library. So, you can also check out it “for free”, if you have bought the subscription. Have fun and watch out on “roads”.