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Ultimate List of The Best Games of 2023
Ultimate List of The Best Games of 2023

editorial07 December 2023

So which games of 2023 are the best? What's worth the time and money right now, without waiting for discounts? Here's our list of the most interesting games released in 2023. The article has been updated as the year progressed and now is complete!

Video Game Releases of March 2023 - Neither Hot, Nor Cold
Video Game Releases of March 2023 - Neither Hot, Nor Cold

editorial01 March 2023

No spectacular releases this month, it seems. However, this doesn't mean that there's nothing to play! There will be plenty to choose from, but don't count on high-profile debuts – rather on humble celebrations and getting ready for spring.

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Games of July 2024 - Free-To-Play and Indie Games Offensive
Games of July 2024 - Free-To-Play and Indie Games Offensive

editorial03 July 2024

The summer is in full swing, although this doesn't mean a lack of interesting releases. Nevertheless, get ready for a quiet month, during which you'll catch up and try out some new titles.

The Best Games of 2022 | December Final Update
The Best Games of 2022 | December Final Update

editorial19 December 2022

We present the ultimate best games released in 2022. Throughout the year, we've been selecting the best games, and now, near the end of the year, the list is finally complete!

How Did Elden Ring Beat God of War Ragnarok to GOTY? Here's My Take
How Did Elden Ring Beat God of War Ragnarok to GOTY? Here's My Take

editorial13 December 2022

The two highest-scoring games of the year were Elden Ring and God of War: Ragnarok, and they competed for the title of GOTY at the recent The Game Awards ceremony. What's the reasoning behind the ultimate choice?