Why did I fail a quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance?
- Quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance are very complex. This applies not only to numerous ways of completing them but also to the possibility of failing their parts or entire quests by acting in a wrong way, making a mistake or not going to an appointed spot.
- On this page you can find the most important information about this topic that should help you avoid problems with completing any of the quests.
The problem with quests can be divided into two main categories:
- Failing parts of a quest - You can fail a single part of a quest, e.g. by not going to an appointed spot or by not accompanying another character. In most of the cases you will still be able to continue that quest. The only thing that will change is its course.
- Failing an entire quest - This is a more serious situation because you can't complete a failed quest. However, there aren't many quests that can be failed entirely.
Here are a few tips that can help you deal with problematic quests and situations that can happen during them:
- The risk of failing a quest is mostly during the side quests. This won't happen a lot during the main quests but here the consequences are more severe - failing an entire main quest means game over.
- Read a description of every quest that you have accepted and do it right after unlocking it. Thanks to that you can find out if there is a risk of failing it or not. For example, if you got a quest where you have to deliver medicaments to a wounded person then it is obvious that this person can die if you won't help them fast enough.
- Missions with a time limit can "rush" you only if you unlock them and add to your journal. Simply ignore that quest giver if you don't have time. An NPC will wait for you until you decide to start that particular quest.
- Mission objectives usually suggest whether you can fail a quest or not. For example, if an NPC wants to meet with you during morning hours then you can't be too late. Otherwise, that person won't wait for you for. Rest or use the wait option to speed up time if you have to meet with someone at a certain hour or during a certain part of a day.
- Try to always save your game before each more important part of a quest. You should do that not only before more difficult fights but also before conversation because a bad choice can turn a given person against you. Replay that part by reloading your last save.
Don't forget about the minor factors that can determine how a given quest plays out, e.g. Henry's stats or current Charisma. You can get a better result by scouting an area properly, taking a bath or wearing different clothes (e.g. that boost your Charisma or help you sneak).
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