Monster Hunter Rise Guide

The Witcher but Japanese. Monster Hunter Rise guide contains complete walkthrough, Beginner's Guide, best tips to weapon creation, exploration and combat. We describe all monsters, regions, boss fights, secrets and controls.


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Monster Hunter Rise Guide

Monster Hunter Rise Guide

Our guide to Monster Hunter Rise includes a detailed description of each region, along with tips on main and side quests from Kamura village and Gathering Hub. The information and tips offered by our guide will help you to get acquainted with all the most important mechanics, defeat all the large monsters (bosses), develop your character and craft the best armor, weapons, and items.

The first big chapter serves as an introduction to the Monster Hunter Rise world. You will find a beginner's guide which should help all who are just starting their adventure as a monster hunter. Among the topics discussed, we will delve into the basics of combat and hunting, user interface, employing Wirebugs, character statistics, supply a list of available armor and weapons for you and your Palicos, Palamutes, and Petalaces. The Local fauna page contains information on all kinds of helpful creatures that you will come across on the hunting grounds.

The second chapter of the Monster Hunter Rise guide contains FAQ pages with answers to frequently asked questions. We explain, e.g. how to create items, how to sharpen weapons, how to make a well-done steak, how to regain stamina, and where to find Cohoot nests.

In Monster Hunter Rise, facing monsters is a bread and butter of a hunter - all major boss battles are described in detail in the boss fights section. Supplied tips and strategy guides will help you defeat even the strongest monsters. We haven't forgotten about smaller enemies - their descriptions can be found in the same chapter.

In the maps chapter, you will find all Sub-camps and Messages, divided according to their location on hunting grounds.

The appendix broaches subjects such as controls, available language versions, game editions, photo mode, as well as offer information about how long it will take to complete MH Rise.

Monster Hunter Rise: Quick beginner's guide

  1. Spend some time on practicing. After getting acquainted with the inhabitants of Kamura village, head to the training area in the eastern part of the village. There you will find a chest for items, in which you will change the type of weapon and a large training dummy, on which you will practice attacks;
  2. Before you go hunting, eat Bunny Dango. This meal, available in the tea room or in the Gathering Hub temporarily boosts statistics and gives many other bonuses;
  3. Start your adventure by doing the tasks in the village. Hinoa, the girl sitting on the main square offers single-player tasks. This is a great way to get acquainted with the game's mechanics, hunting, and have the first fights with monsters. Missions in the Gathering Hub require skill and are designed for multiplayer;
  4. Accept side quests. Before you go hunting, talk to Hinoa or Minoto to receive side quests. These are usually simple tasks, like collecting herbs or killing a few smaller monsters;
  5. Observe your enemies. Each large monster has its own set of moves and attacks. Take a moment to observe and learn them to do better in battle;
  6. Check out Hunter's notes - there you will find a lot of useful information about large and small monsters, encountered fauna during the hunt, and even the gameplay mechanics.

Read more tips for beginners on a separate page - Beginner's guide.

Monster Hunter Rise: All large monsters

Difficulty level 1/10:

  1. Arzuros,
  2. Great Izuchi,
  3. Great Baggi,
  4. Lagombi.

Difficulty level 2/10:

  1. Great Wroggi,
  2. Kulu-Ya-Ku,
  3. Aknosom,
  4. Tetranadon,
  5. Khezu.

Difficulty level 3/10:

  1. Royal Ludroth,
  2. Basarios,
  3. Barroth.

Difficulty level 4/10:

  1. Bishaten,
  2. Pukei-Pukei,
  3. Volvidon,
  4. Rathian,
  5. Jyuratodus.

Difficulty level 5/10:

  1. Somnacanth,
  2. Tobi-Kadachi,
  3. Barioth.

Difficulty level 6/10:

  1. Anjanath,
  2. Mizutsune,
  3. Rathalos,
  4. Zinogre,
  5. Nargacuga.

Difficulty level 7/10:

  1. Magnamalo,
  2. Goss Harag,
  3. Almudron,
  4. Tigrex,
  5. Diablos,
  6. Rakna-Kadaki.

Difficulty level 8/10:

  1. Bazelgeuse,
  2. Chameleons,
  3. Kushala Daora,
  4. Teostra,
  5. Rajang.

Difficulty level 9/10

  1. Wind Serpent Ibushi.

Difficulty level 10/10

  1. Thunder Serpent Narwa.

Monster Hunter Rise: Maps and collectibles

Shrine Ruins:

  1. Message,
  2. Sub-camps.

Frost Islands:

  1. Message,
  2. Sub-camps.

Sunken Forest:

  1. Message,
  2. Sub-camps.

Sandy Plains

  1. Message,
  2. Sub-camps.

Lava Caverns:

  1. Message,
  2. Sub-camps.

Monster Hunter Rise: ecosystem

Each zone in Monster Hunter Rise is habituated by many small creatures that can help the hunter with his task. Local fauna is divided into several groups, dependant on the characteristics of the creature. Some of the creatures will improve your statistics right up to the end of a hunt, while others will help in ensnaring the monster or offer a temporary stat boost.

More on the topic can be found in Local fauna page of the guide.

Monster Hunter Rise: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Monster - how to capture? - some tasks require capturing the beast alive, so it helps to know how to recognize a weakened monster and what items to use to capture it;
  2. Weapons - how to sharpen? as battles progress, your weapon gradually looses its sharpness. Thanks to this page of the guide, you'll learn how to use a whetstone and how to sharp weapons during combat;
  3. Cohoot's nest - where is it? Cohoot is a new animal in the Monster Hunter series - its nests store many interesting items. From this page of the guide, you'll learn how to find Cahoot's nests and when to look for them;
  4. Stamina - how to increase? Stamina gradually decreases along with time spent on the hunt. On this page of the guide, you'll learn how to replenish and increase your stamina;
  5. Items - how to craft? On this page, we explain how to craft items and where to find the needed materials, as well as how to use Crafting List. .
  6. Well-Done Steak - how to create? On this page, we explain how to prepare a perfect steak so your hunter won't go hungry anymore!

If you still looking for answers, visit the remaining pages in the FAQ section.

Monster Hunter Rise: game length

Like the previous parts of the series, Monster Hunter Rise is characteristic for its long playtime. As you traverse the world, you'll come face to face with many huge, as well as lesser beasts.

Completing the main story takes about 20 hours, but the multiplayer mode and side quests can add additional hours to the total play duration. If you want to know in detail how long it takes to complete Monster Hunter Rise, visit the Game Length page.

Monster Hunter Rise: language versions

Monster Hunter Rise offers subtitles for 9 languages and 3 fully-voiced versions. To learn more, visit Language Versions page of the guide.

Monster Hunter: Rise

March 26, 2021

PC PlayStation Xbox Nintendo
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Olga Racinowska

Author: Olga Racinowska

Been with since 2019, mostly writing game guides but you can also find me geeking out about LEGO (huge collection, btw). Love RPGs and classic RTSs, also adore quirky indie games. Even with a ton of games, sometimes I just gotta fire up Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, KOTOR, or Baldur's Gate 2 (Shadows of Amn, the OG, not that Throne of Bhaal stuff). When I'm not gaming, I'm probably painting miniatures or admiring my collection of retro consoles.

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