Alan Wake 2 Without New Game Plus at Launch, But With 3 Difficulty Levels
Remedy has announced that Alan Wake 2 will not receive New Game Plus mode until some time after its release. However, it will be worth the wait, as the option promises to be ambitious.

Tomorrow the mark the debut of Alan Wake 2. So it's no surprise that the developers, the people from Remedy, are sharing information about the project with players every now and then. The latest news concerns the New Game Plus mode and the difficulty levels available in the game.
New Game Plus only after the release
The developers have informed that the game will not debut with New Game mode. This gameplay variant will be added via a free update some time after the release. We also found out what this option will offer.
- In New Game Plus mode, we will keep all unlocked weapons and upgrades.
- A new difficulty level called Nightmare will be added.
- Many elements of the story will be changed in New Game mode. Among other things, we will get new manuscript pages and previously unavailable video content.
As you can see, the New Game Plus mode in Alan Wake 2 promises to be ambitious.
Difficulty levels in Alan Wake 2
Alan Wake 2 will debut with three difficulty levels
- Story - a variant for those interested mainly in the story. Combat will not be a challenge, and players will be able to focus on exploration and discovering the secrets of the plot.
- Normal - is meant to offer a balance between story and gameplay. Battles will be challenging, and survival is expected to require the use of found items and good inventory management.
- Hard - a difficulty level designed for those looking for a real challenge. Combat is expected to be very demanding, and succeeding is expected to require not only very efficient use of equipment, but also deep knowledge of gameplay mechanics.
On top of that, the aforementioned Nightmare mode will be added some time after the release. However, we do not know for now what it will offer.

Alan Wake 2 will launch on October 27 this year. The game will be released simultaneously on PC and PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles.
More:Later Today, Alan Wake 2 Will Get Night Springs DLC. Remedy Announced Game's Boxed Edition