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News video games 28 September 2022, 13:28

author: Adam Adamczyk

Dome Keeper Teleporter and How It Works

Teleporter makes the gameplay in Dome Keeper much easier. In this guide you will learn where to get it and how to use it.

Dome Keeper is an inconspicuous game at first glance, which, thanks to the combination of resource mining, base and character expansion, as well ascombat mechanics, can draw you in for a very long time. Speaking of time, it is very important to manage to transport the excavated deposits to the base before the attack on it begins. A teleporter is helpful then, and in this guide you will learn how to use it.

How to get a teleporter?

Dome Keeper Teleporter and How It Works - picture #1
Teleporter in Dome Keeper

While searching for raw materials in the game, we may come across a gadget that needs to be transported to the base. Then we can decide what kind of reward we get. One of them is a teleporter. We can take it with us wherever we want, and then use it to teleport to the base. This is especially useful when an attack on the base is imminent..

Teleporting resources

One of the most important mechanics in Dome Keeper is acquiring resources and then transporting them to the base to buy various upgrades. At the beginning of the game, this is relatively time-consuming, as you can quickly move resources that are close to the base. However, if you dig deep, such manual transport simply takes too long. Then it is worth moving the teleporter deeper and using it to teleport raw materials.

Dome Keeper Teleporter and How It Works - picture #2
To teleport resources, buy the teleporter upgrade

However, such an option is only possible if you upgrade the teleporter. This can be done using the computer at the base. As the description of the upgrade says, the teleporter will enable you to transport resources, but the player will no longer be able to move quickly to the base by himself. However, the option to teleport from the portal in the base to the place where we left the teleporter will remain.

Adam Adamczyk

Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.
