Enshrouded - How to Craft Enshrouded Oil
Enshrouded Oil is an important ingredient for crafting many objects in Enshrouded. Find out how to unlock the recipe for it.

In Enshrouded, certain ingredients used in crafting have to be made from recipes as well. Enshrouded Oil, which is used for making Ghost Glider, Huge Magic Chest and Lightning Channel is one of them. It cannot be found in the wild or looted. You have to craft it, but the recipe is locked by default. How to gain access to it? We explain below.
Enshrouded – How to Craft Enshrouded Oil
Numerous recipes in Enshrouded are only unlocked after you encounter some resources in the wild or produce certain other materials yourself. That is the case for Enshrouded Oil, which is an important ingredient for crafting useful items such as the Ghost Glider and Huge Magic Chest, or the Spell Charge Lightning Channel. Unlocking the recipe for Enshrouded Oil isn’t an easy task, and the game doesn’t indicate how to do it, which left many players frustrated. With our guide, you won’t have to look blindly.
The difficulty lies in having to rescue the Alchemist first. He can be found at the Ancient Vault location. It’s best reached by gliding west from the Ancient Spire – Springlands waypoint.
After summoning this Survivor, you will be able to make the Laboratory, and then grind Charcoal at the Grinding Stone to get Coal Powder. Once you obtain the Coal Powder, the recipe for Enshrouded Oil will finally become available.
To make the 50 Enshrouded Oil, you will need:
- 5 Shroud Spores
- 5 Coal Powder
- 5 Shroud Liquid
- 1 Sulfur
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