South Park: The Fractured But Whole Game Guide Trophy Guide
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The list below describes all the achievements available in the game - this includes both console and PC Windows versions of the game. Most of those achievements require you to progress throughout the game's story, however, in some cases, you have to complete certain unusual activities. The most difficult achievements have an additional comment on how to unlock them.
- Divine Wind
- Corporate Wolf
- Farts Over Freckles
- Stop, Drop and Roll
- Last Kid Standing
- Glitch of Death
- Big Knocker
- Master Manipulator
- Death Dodger
- #followbacks
- Fashionista
- Toxic Environment
- Junksmith
- Epic Artificer
- Pasta of Prophets
- Call in a Favor
- Cosplay Curious
- Titleist
- Character Sheet Elite
- Boy Love Aficionado
- Orgy of Power
- Fully Bloated
- Crappin' Forte
- Deep Seated Power
- Friend Finder
- Pick Yourself up by Your Bootstraps
- Diabetes Defender
- Potty Trained
- Class Warfare
- Chaos Controlled
- An End to Racism
- Master Classed
- Invasive Tumor Removal
- Through the Bowels of Time
- The Token Experience
Divine Wind

Successfully Fartkour to the Lofts at SoDoSoPa rooftop and back down again.
Corporate Wolf

Reach the highest economic value on your Character Sheet. After the mission Always Bet on Chaos, you can go to the bank to play the roulette minigame. Complete is (at the end of each phase you see your economic value increasing) to reach the maximum level.
Farts Over Freckles
Pick a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeat him. To start a fight, throw a Snap N Pop at him 3 times (of course, you can find your opponent at Freeman's Tacos). The fight is difficult, so it is best to attempt it after you finish the story campaign.
Stop, Drop and Roll
Win a combat by using TimeFart Pause to kill all remaining enemies at once before time resumes. The enemies on the arena (best if there is only one) have to have little health. Use the FartPause to hit him multiple times and finish the battle.
Last Kid Standing
Win while 3 Allies are downed at the end of combat.
Glitch of Death
Use TimeFart Glitch to cause a status-effected enemy to lose their turn and die at turn's end. The enemy has to be under a negative effect dealing additional damage (e.g. Burning and Bleeding) and have little enough health points to die during the next turn. Skip his turn with the TimeFart Glitch. The status effects can be improved with artifacts.
Big Knocker
Kill an enemy by knocking another enemy into them. Practically each character class has an ability allowing him to push an enemy. Hit one enemy pushing him into another one, who has little health points to defeat him (or her). Artifacts giving a bonus to knockback damage might prove useful in unlocking this achievement.
Master Manipulator
Confuse or charm an enemy into defeating another enemy. It is best when there are two enemies with little health left in the arena. Should you charm an opponent (e.g. using the Sweet Scent ability) the job is going easier - he or she will attack the other enemy at once. If you decide to confuse the opponent (there are a lot of such abilities), the second opponent has to be the closest one to the confused one. If one of your allies is closer, he or she will get hurt.
Death Dodger
Keep an Ally alive for an entire combat while they take twice their max Health in damage. To unlock this achievement you might need healing items and Shields. A good character for doing this is Captain Diabetes, as after two of his attacks he gets a Shield.
Become mutual followers with 10 people in South Park.
Find 10 costume pieces.
Toxic Environment
Loot 100 Biohazard items. The quickest way to do this is by unlocking consecutive titles, the reward for which are biohazard items.
Craft 10 distinct recipes.
Epic Artificer
Craft an Artifact with a Might value of 75 or more.
Pasta of Prophets
Craft a macaroni picture of Moses. After the mission called The Touch of Faith, you get the recipe for this picture - use it in the Crafting menu.
Call in a Favor
Use a Summon.
Cosplay Curious
Wear costume pieces from 3 different sets at once.
Reach the highest rank on 1 title in your Character Sheet.
Character Sheet Elite
Reach the highest rank on 5 titles in your Character Sheet.
Boy Love Aficionado
Collect all yaoi pictures (40 pictures across the map; you get the 41st from Craig's dad after you collect the remaining ones.
Orgy of Power
Use all Allies' Ultimate powers once during the game, except the Coon's.
Fully Bloated
Unlock all combat TimeFarts. Apart from the thee farts related to the story, you can get the recipe for one more at Freeman's Tacos. Go to the roof of Skeeter's Wine Bar (M2,25), and push the fireworks. Then, light them up. One the street, you can find the Crank you can use at Hillvale Farm. This is the located set in the north-eastern part of the map. Upon getting there, you will see a bucket - use it to obtain the Member berry juice (you need the Crank for the machine). The second ingredient - Ms. Cartman's Double Stuffed Brownies can be obtained from Ms. Cartman after you complete Vigilante Marketing mission (talk to her to initiate it).
Crappin' Forte
Use every available toilet in South Park and achieve the highest mastery level for each. The list of all the toilets can be found in this game guide.
Deep Seated Power
Obtain and equip Artifacts to reach 600 Might.
Friend Finder
Acquire and unlock all Summons. These are Moses (The Touch of Faith), Classi (unlocked during the campaign), Mr. Broflovski (For Nippopolis mission), and Stan's uncle - Jimbo (after completing Peppermint Hippo Lost & Found).
Pick Yourself up by Your Bootstraps
Collect all loot in the Homeless Camp at SoDoSoPa. This means all the bottle caps lying around SoDoSoPa. For each one that you pick up, you get some change. Collect all of them.
Diabetes Defender
Defend a helpless child from a drunk lunatic. Defeat Randy during the mission: The Bowels of the Beast.
Potty Trained
Use a toilet and achieve the highest mastery level.
Class Warfare
Equip powers from 2 different classes.
Chaos Controlled
Foil the plans of Professor Chaos. Complete the main mission: The Hundred Hands of Chaos.
An End to Racism
Stop racism in South Park. Complete The Thin White Line main mission.
Master Classed
Equip powers from 4 different classes. Story-related achievement.
Invasive Tumor Removal
Defeat Mutant Cousin Kyle. Finish the last mission in the game: Farts of Future Past.
Through the Bowels of Time
Survive the farts of future past. Finish the story campaign.
The Token Experience
Create a Black character and complete the game on Mastermind Difficulty.
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