Creating Sim - Personality | Creating Sim The Sims 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
It is a key element which determinates the behaviour and possibilities of your Sim. You have to choose five traits from a very long list. I must add that if in the case of birth and creation in the editor a small child (toddler) it only has two traits, child three, teen four, and young adult and the older one have five (that is the maximum).
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To choose traits click on a small button [052], and the list will appear [053].
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Trails are divided into four categories: Mental, Physical, Social and Lifestyle [054]. First fold presents all, and another four folds present categories. Remember that you may choose only five from over sixty traits. When you put arrow on a particular trait, you will get its general description [055]. They names suggest how they can influence your Sim. When you create Sim, it is sensible to think what is he going to be like. For example, if you want him or her to have a big family, don't choose the trait "doesn't like children" and don't make him or her workaholic. You can change traits by choosing one of the prizes for points for life happiness, example middle age crisis.
- Absent-Minded
- Artistic
- Bookworm
- Can't Stand Art
- Computer Whiz
- Excitable
- Genius
- Green Thumb
- Handy
- Insane
- Natural Cook
- Neurotic
- Virtuoso
- Athletic
- Brave
- Clumsy
- Couch Potato
- Coward
- Heavy Sleeper
- Hydrophobic
- Light Sleeper
- Lucky
- Neat
- Never Nude
- Slob
- Unlucky
- Charismatic
- Commitment Issues
- Dislikes Children
- Easily Impressed
- Flirty
- Friendly
- Good Sense of Humor
- Great Kisser
- Grumpy
- Hopeless Romantic
- Inappropriate
- Loner
- Loser
- Mean Spirited
- Mooch
- No Sense of Humor
- Party Animal
- Schmoozer
- Snob
- Unflirty
- Ambitious
- Angler
- Childish
- Daredevil
- Evil
- Family-Oriented
- Frugal
- Good
- Hates the Outdoors
- Hot-Headed
- Kleptomaniac
- Loves the Outdoors
- Over-Emotional
- Perfectionist
- Technophobe
- Vegetarian
- Workaholic
It may seem silly, but you can choose the traits yourself. It is logical that you will create the best Sim possible. Remember that when your Sim joins with other Sims, you won't be able to decide about their children (of course there are some exceptions).
When you choose a particular trait, its opposite trait will be automatically blocked, for example if you choose Lucky, you won't be able to choose unlucky. When you choose five traits, confirm.
Lifetime Wish
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According to the traits you have already chosen, you have to make another choice - Lifetime Wishes [056]. Every Sim has them - it's their main aim in life. You have to choose from five available wishes [057]. If the ones available don't suit you, you can move to another view (for example change of hair or clothes) and go back to the personality option - few lifetime wishes should change.
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There are the last elements in the second fold. Choose Sim's favourite things: food [058], music and colour.
Characteristic Sim language has become the symbol of the game. The Sims 3 you can choose from three male and female voices for the first time - you can choose one for your character. What is more, you can settle the pitch of voice by using the slide [059].
At the end you can add a biography of a chosen Sim.