Sims - Needs | Sims The Sims 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Sims require much attention even in the case of the most basic needs, you have to take care of it as well as of the partner, child or work. When green stripes which symbolize fulfilling a particular need are low , you have to take care of that. When you fulfill Sims' need it influences their mood in a positive way, when you neglect them their mood can get worse [read the chapter on moodlets].
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The easiest way to satisfy the hunger is to use your own fridge [143]. Click on it and you can prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. it depends on the time of the day. The number of dishes to prepare depends on the level of cooking skill. Sims need ingredients to prepare food which can be bought in grocery store. Dishes are made by using ingredients preparator (or by mixing it yourself) and cooker [144] or microwave.
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Choosing "eat: ..." you will create a dish on a small plate for one person fast. When you click "serve" you will get a meal [145], so whole family can eat. When you click on a dish, you can take one plate and eat by the table [146]. It is important that whole family eat enough, click on the plate and choose "store leftovers" - they will be put into the fridge. Don't leave food on tables or table tops - it can get spoil and it this case it is better not to eat it or Sim will get sick. When Sim is hungry you can click on fridge and choose "eat leftovers" and don't waste time on preparing a meal . There is also a fast way to eat but afterwards Sims are not full. You can eat in restaurant or bar in the city centre. When Sim is full, he or she is happy - hunger influences their mood in a negative way.
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Using toilet is very easy [147].Remember to flush (in the case of cheaper appliances) because they get stuck. You have to clean the toilet from time to time. When you stay at your neighbours or at public places such as gym you can use the toilet there.
No matter if you have a bath or shower it is a perfect way to ensure Sim hygiene [148]. The speed of getting clean depends on the quality (and price) of the equipment. A clean Sim is a happy Sim.
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Energy is one of the most basic needs. Click on bed and choose if the Sim goes to sleep or just takes a nap [149]. The more comfortable the bed is the sooner Sims is relaxed [150]. When Sims wakes up because of the burglar or a crying child, it spoils his or her mood (only for a while).
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The best way is to meet another Sim [151]. There are more or less friendly options available, it depends on the relation between Sims [152]. Every conversation fulfills the need of company. A very fast way of improving the level of company is WooHoo with a Sim-partner.
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If there is no Sim around, you can use computer and take part in a chat [153] - it also helps! At the bottom panel of every Sim in the second fold there are all people that he or she knows and the green or red stripe as well as its length points out if the relation with other Sim is good or bad [154].
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It is extremely easy to satisfy the need of fun. You can use many objects which entertain Sims, ex. play games on computer [155], or footballers. Common games such as tag or with a ball are good entertainment [156].