News 28 February 2021

Google Rumored to Have Canceled Several Emerging Stadia Games
Google has canceled a number of games over the past year that were due to appear on the Stadia streaming platform. Among them were Hideo Kojima's horror game, an action game by a former Ubisoft employee, and a sequel to Journey to the Savage Planet.
video games
Adrian Piotrowski
February 28, 2021

E3 2021 Officially Without Live Events; Online Edition in Preparation
The physical editon of E3 has, for the second year in a row, been canceled as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but the games fair is set to get an online event, unlike the 2020 edition.
video games
Adrian Piotrowski
February 28, 2021

Apex Legends Going on Strong on Steam
Apex Legends continues to gain players on Steam. With the release of season 8, at the peak moment of the day, the game had nearly 200,000 simultaneous players.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
February 28, 2021

Football Manager Series Sales Over 33 Million Copies in Total
The Football Manager series has crossed the barrier of 33 and 1/3 million copies sold. This unusual record was shared on Twitter by the game's director - Miles Jacobson.
video games
Adrian Piotrowski
February 28, 2021

New Gameplay From Hood: Outlaws & Legends
The developers of Hood: Outlaws & Legends have released a new gameplay video. This time the developers have prepared a gameplay for the playable Ranger class along with a commentary.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
February 28, 2021