Overland is a survival strategy game developed by Finji. The game takes place in a not-so-distant future where an unspecified cataclysm devastated the North American continent.
developer: Finji publisher: Finji Official website
Overland for PC, iOS and AND is a survival strategy game developed by Finji. Adam Saltsman, creator of such hits as Canabalt or Hundreds, was the game’s lead designer.
Overland for PC, iOS and AND takes place in a not-so-distant future where an unspecified cataclysm completely devastated the North American continent. We will lead a constantly changing group of survivors who, traveling by car, try to reach their destination point.
Survival plays a crucial role in the game. We will be forced to make difficult decisions and face constant shortages of gas, supplies, and ammunition. However, the biggest threat we will have to face are the eerie monsters that use their hearing to hunt down their prey.
Everything we do in Overland for PC, iOS and AND is turn-based. Action is presented in a form of events that take place on small maps covered with a grid made of squares. Each event allows us to do things like moving, creating a campfire and resting, searching the premises, or fighting. Every once in a while we will take part in a special interlude during which we will have to make certain decisions about our journey.
Event maps and the journey itself are generated prodecurally, meaning that every time we play through the campaign we will have new andventures and challenges to complete. The small numbers of resources and supplies will force us to make difficult decisions almost all the time. We will have to find a balance between the need of exploration and saving gas. Our car has a limited number of seats, so ver often we will have to leave somebody behind and take someone who has more useful skills.
Last updated on 21 March 2019
Game mode: single player
PEGI rating Overland
Overland System requirements
PC / Windows
- Minimum:
- Intel Core i5
- 4 GB RAM
- graphic card Intel HD 4000 or better
- 1.5 GB HDD
- Windows 7