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Articles related to Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

The Bethesda Purchase – Brilliant Move, or Panic Buy from Microsoft?
The Bethesda Purchase – Brilliant Move, or Panic Buy from Microsoft?

editorial24 September 2020

Will the new Fallout be released on PS5? Without any prior announcement, Microsoft announced the purchase of ZeniMax Media, owner of Bethesda among many others. This grand purchase could seriously change the balance of power in the gaming industry.

Top 10 Games in Which Americans Save the World
Top 10 Games in Which Americans Save the World

editorial01 October 2019

American heroes have completely dominated the world of cinema and video games. From historical characters in steampunk mechs, to secret agents, and marines armed to the teeth, the list of the best heroes from the land of the free has it all.

Fonts in console games are definitely too small!
Fonts in console games are definitely too small!

editorial06 March 2018

Although we play on bigger and bigger screens and wireless gamepads work even from a distance of a dozen meters, we still have to sit with our noses in TVs in order to be able to enjoy the latest titles comfortably.

Facts and fiction in the Wolfenstein games
Facts and fiction in the Wolfenstein games

editorial13 January 2018

Wolfenstein games defined the FPS genre. At the same time, they feature multiple elements based on what we might read in history books, be it people, locations, items, and whatnot. Let us analyze some of the most prominent inspirations.

The most anticipated games of the second half of 2017
The most anticipated games of the second half of 2017

editorial25 July 2017

After a satisfying first half of the year, the second half looks no less interesting. The publishers are planning releases for almost each and every of the most popular genres.

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Games of July 2024 - Free-To-Play and Indie Games Offensive
Games of July 2024 - Free-To-Play and Indie Games Offensive

editorial03 July 2024

The summer is in full swing, although this doesn't mean a lack of interesting releases. Nevertheless, get ready for a quiet month, during which you'll catch up and try out some new titles.

The Best Games of 2022 | December Final Update
The Best Games of 2022 | December Final Update

editorial19 December 2022

We present the ultimate best games released in 2022. Throughout the year, we've been selecting the best games, and now, near the end of the year, the list is finally complete!

How Did Elden Ring Beat God of War Ragnarok to GOTY? Here's My Take
How Did Elden Ring Beat God of War Ragnarok to GOTY? Here's My Take

editorial13 December 2022

The two highest-scoring games of the year were Elden Ring and God of War: Ragnarok, and they competed for the title of GOTY at the recent The Game Awards ceremony. What's the reasoning behind the ultimate choice?