News 03 March 2019


Fallout 76 Update Enables us to Run Our Own Distillery

Bethesda shared details concerning the Wild Appalachia DLC. The expansion will introduce the ability to brew and distil alcohol. The beverages will have different effects depending on fermentation time.

video games

Konrad Serafinski

March 3, 2019

Fallout 76 Update Enables us to Run Our Own Distillery

Nvidia and AMD GPUs are Not Selling

The cryptocurrency fad keeps leaving a bad aftertaste in the mouths of GPU manufacturers. According to the independent analytics company Jon Peddie Research, Nvidia and AMD will have to deal with a lasting oversupply of their graphics cards.

hardware & software

Agnes Adamus

March 3, 2019

Nvidia and AMD GPUs are Not Selling

DCS World: F-14 Debuts This Month

The long-awaited moment for the fans of flight simulators has come. DCS World: F-14 will debut in Early Acces on March 13. The add-on introduces the eponymous long-range fighter.

video games

Agnes Adamus

March 3, 2019

DCS World: F-14 Debuts This Month

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