News 18 July 2022

We Have a Hit! Stray Reviews Available
What exactly is Stray, gamers may have asked? Apparently a hit of the summer, as the game captivated almost all reviewers who checked out this cyberpunk feline adventure game.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
July 18, 2022

As Dusk Falls in First Reviews - Microsoft's Small but Good Exclusive
As Dusk Falls is another title worth having the Game Pass subscription for. At least according to many reviewers, although there were also more critical voices.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
July 18, 2022

Game Pass for End of July 2022 - 6 Games Coming, 5 Leaving
Five games will soon disappear from Game Pass, to be replaced by six new ones, including a debuting Microsoft exclusive.
special offers
Jacob Blazewicz
July 18, 2022

Not Everybody Thinks Lootboxes Are a National Problem
The UK government has conducted an investigation into lootboxes in video games. The conclusions are that the problem exists and needs to be addressed, but it is best if it solves itself.
video games
July 18, 2022

This Giant Forza Horizon Map Combines All the Parts
The map in Forza Horizon 5 is large. Previous installments of the series also had one. Have you ever imagined what could be created from their combination? No? Well, check it out.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
July 18, 2022

Hated Publisher Officially Returns to Steam
Activision has taken another step towards a full return to Steam. After the release of this year's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Valve's platform, it was time to create a dedicated tab for the publisher.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
July 18, 2022

Blizzard Warns of New Class in WoW Dragonflight; Takes Strange Method
The Dragonflight DLC will introduce a brand new class to World of Warcraft, designed for veterans of the game. The mechanics of this class are not among the simplest, so Blizzard decided to warn beginners in an intriguing way.
video games
July 18, 2022

Sony Officially Welcomes Bungie to the PlayStation Family
The months-long process of Sony's acquisition of Bungie has come to an end. As of now, the creators of Destiny 2 are officially part of the PlayStation family.
video games
Adrian Werner
July 18, 2022

Callisto Protocol Looks Great in New Gameplay Video
A new interview with the head of Striking Distance, the studio responsible for The Callisto Protocol, has appeared in the web. Glen Schofield's statements were supplemented with bloody gameplay footage from the upcoming survival horror game.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
July 18, 2022

People Get Tattoos to Access Diablo 4 Beta
Blizzard has organized an interesting campaign to advertise the beta of Diablo 4. Players can get a tattoo for free and gain access to the upcoming tests.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
July 18, 2022

The Sims 4 Preteen Mod - How to Download and Install It?
From this guide you will learn how to download and install PreTeen Mod for The Sims 4. This modification adds a whole new stage in the life of the sims.
video games
Agnes Adamus
July 18, 2022

Ultimate Levels of Immersion in Truck Simulator With Custom Cab Rig
A truck driver simulator enthusiast has created an impressive gaming station. His creation is nothing short of spectacular.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
July 18, 2022

BF3 Reality Mod Launches and It's Spectacular; System Requirements and Installation Guide
After months of work, BF3: Reality Mod has finally been released. The modification takes realism in Battlefield 3 to a whole new level. The community is thrilled.
video games
Hubert Sledziewski
July 18, 2022

Stray Claws to the Top of Steam Bestseller List
Marine surivival game Raft continued to sell brilliantly on Steam last week. The real revelation, however, is the adventure game Stray, which is now the store's biggest bestseller.
video games
Adrian Werner
July 18, 2022

Star Citizen - Best Starting Locations
Star Citizen offers a choice of several starting locations. Find out which ones are the best.
video games
Przemyslaw Dygas
July 18, 2022

New Releases on Steam; Most Anticipated PC Game of the Year Debuts This Week
Steam users can't complain about the lack of interesting launches. This week we will see such games as Stray, Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II.
video games
Adrian Werner
July 18, 2022