F2P Shooter The Finals has Makings of a Hit
The closed beta of The Finals is very popular. The game may turn out to be a hit.

Many factors influence whether a game will be successful, but we can probably all agree that a potential hit should, above all, provide fun. It looks like the free-to-play shooter The Finals has all the predispositions for this, or at least this is the preliminary conclusion that can be drawn, suggested by the huge number of players who have expressed interest in the closed beta tests that began yesterday. That's not the only argument, however.
Destruction galore
Let's start with the aforementioned results. On the first day The Finals had up to 13,311 concurrent users. While this may not seem like much if you compare this title to other fresh games such as Hogwarts Legacy or Sons of the Forest, it should be noted that result was achieved as part of a closed beta, to which, admittedly is easy to apply for, but the developers do not send invitations to every person, quite strongly limiting access.
The game is praised especially for its non-stop action and impressive environmental destruction system.. The enemy is hiding in a building? Now you don't have to enter the building through the door, because instead there is the alternative of blowing up part of the wall with explosives.
Of course, it should be reckoned with the fact that the game still has quite a few shortcomings, among which can be mentioned a bug, which sometimes causes projectiles to fly through the enemy and thus fail to damage them. Some players also complain that the movements could be more fluid. Despite all this, praise prevails among the reviews, which indicate that The Finals offers a very enjoyable experience as it is.
Beta-testing is being conducted exclusively on PC and will last until March 21. The release date is not yet known, but rumor has it that the game will launch later this year. The Finals will be available on PC, PS5 and XSX/S.
The tests have no NDA, or non-disclosure agreement, and the developers encourage to share gameplays. They show how the game and praised environmental destruction system looks like in action.
More:Developers of The Finals Address One of Community's Biggest Complaints