This Windows is Still Alive and Gaining Popularity
Steam's hardware surveys can sometimes be a source of intriguing information. It turns out that Windows 7 saw an increase in popularity in June.

Source: Unsplash / XPS
According to the latest hardware survery collected by Steam Windows 7 (64-bit) has by no means been forgotten, and is even regaining some ground. The system recorded a 0.6% increase in June compared to the previous month. However, supporters of what once was shouldn't celebrate just yet - despite the slight increase, Windows 7 has only a 3% share among Steam users.
Steam stats overview
- The most popular operating system remains Windows 10 with a 71.23% share. In June, however, its score fell by 2.63%.
- Windows 11 is slowly climbing - up 1.64% in June (to 21.21%).
- The Steam client is installed on a marginal number of machines with Windows 8.1 - only 0.57%.
- Apple macOS is a rather rare sight among Steam users - barely 2.45% have it.
- Intel is gaining again after a period of regular decline. In June, we can find Intel processors in 68.47% of computers (1.28% more than in May).
- Most Steam users have 4-core and 6-core processors (32.74% and 32.59%, respectively).
The most popular GPUs
As for GPUs, the podium is basically unchanged - the GTX 1060 still reigns supreme, right behind it is the GTX 1650 and then the GTX 1050 Ti. However, a newer chip in the form of the GTX 1650 is gaining in popularity (0.05%) and may soon overtake the current favorites.
Slowly pushing forward are also the RTX 3060 GPUs - both the laptop and desktop versions (0.30% and 0.25%, respectively). Among AMD cards, the most popular chip remains the RX 580 with a 1.28% share. Interestingly, the first chip from the company is only in 19th place on the list. Before it are as many as 18 Nvidia models. The Santa Clara-based manufactured leads indivisibly - its devices are installed in 75.86% of computers of Steam users.
Another Steam hardware survey can be considered almost devoid of surprises, not counting the increase in popularity of Windows 7. Nvidia's Ampere generation is gaining popularity rather laboriously - the slow pace may be the result of (continuously) too high GPU prices. Many people apparently prefer to pick an older chip or wait a little longer.
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