Main map | Agroprom RI Sewers STALKER Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Green points on the map:
1 - exit to: Agroprom Research Institute (starting point)
2 - exit to: Agroprom Research Institute (finish - leads to an army base)
I guess there are a few important things that you should know about. Catacombs sector is a small map that's located beneath the main one - Agroprom Research Institute. This means you won't be able to reach any other sectors from here. Additionally, you won't be using a standard map, because this is an underground level. Thankfully, if you take a closer look at your quest notes, you will be given a secondary map. You can use it to reach Strelok's stash, however there's only one path leading to your destination, so you can't get lost.