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News Files and Mods 02 September 2024, 10:28

author: Adrian Werner

Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Turns 20 and Still Gets Player Improvements

A new version of the OpenLoco mod, a project that modernizes the classic Chris Sawyer's Locomotion strategy, has been released.

Source: Atari

This Saturday, the classic economic strategy game Chris Sawyer's Locomotion will celebrate its 20th birthday. Despite its advanced age, quite a few people have no intention of stopping playing it. Of course, the title in many aspects is not suited for modern PCs, which is why for years a dedicated group of fans has been developing the OpenLoco project that modernizes the title. This exquisite modification has just received a new version.

What is OpenLoco and why is it so good?

OpenLoco is an open-source implementation of the game, which means that it moves the game to a new, much-improved engine. However, it is not a standalone remake, which means the mod still needs the files of the original to work.

The benefits of this are numerous. The mod provides Chris Sawyer's Locomotion with full compatibility with modern PCs and operating systems. It also improves graphics (including allowing you to play even in 4K), interface, and artificial intelligence, and virtually all major bugs and technical flaws have been removed. The options for building and configuring gameplay have also been significantly expanded. In practice, then, this is something that acts as an unofficial remaster.

  1. OpenLoco – download the mod

OpenLoco - what's new in version 24.09?

The new version of the project bears the number 24.09 and brings mainly bug fixes. However, there is also one major novelty - the map generator now allows carving rivers through the landscape..

This year, the authors focused mainly on changes requested by players. The maximum number of displayed windows on the screen has been increased from 12 to 24. An option to disable the size limit of railroad stations has also been added, as well as the size at which the terrain shaping tools work has been increased several times (from 10x10 to 64x64).

  1. OpenLoco's official website

Locomotion’s sale on Steam

OpenLoco requires Chris Sawyer's Locomotion files to work, so it's worth mentioning that sale for this game is currently running on Steam. Its price has been reduced by 70% and until September 6 you can buy it for $1.79.

  1. Chris Sawyer's Locomotion on Steam

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.


Chris Sawyer's Locomotion

Chris Sawyer's Locomotion