Metacritic Presents the Worst Games of 2020
Metacritic summed up the year 2020 in the video game market. The website presented things like the worst-rated video games of the last 12 months, including such titles as The Elder Scrolls: Blades and XIII Remake.

As every year, Metacritic has published an annual summary, including a summary of the biggest hits and failures of the entertainment market in 2020. Among them was a list of the worst video games of the last twelve months. Only titles whose average score was calculated based on no less than eight reviews could qualify for the ranking.
Worst games of 2020 by Metacritic
Tiny Racer - 29/100 (Switch)
2. XIII - 32/100 (XONE)
3. Dawn of Fear - 33/100 (PS4)
4. Fast & Furious Crossroads - 34/100 (PC)
5. Arc of Alchemist - 36/100 (Switch)
6 Remothered: Broken Porcelain (PC) - 39/100
7. Tamarin - 40/100 (PS4)
8th Street Power Soccer - 41/100 (PS4)
9 Gleamlight - 42/100 (Switch)
10 The Elder Scrolls: Blades - 42/100 (Switch)
A large part of the ranking is made up of titles that most players have probably never heard of (or have tried to forget as soon as possible). The "Winner" of the ranking, Tiny Racer on Nintendo Switch, is a crowning example of this, just like a handful of other "hits" like Tamarin or Street Power Football. However, on the list there are also some more recognizable positions. The Elder Scrolls: Blades, a spin-off of Bethesda's acclaimed RPG series, is particularly striking, and was ranked tenth. The average score of 42/100 (Switch edition) is still a lot better than Tiny Racer's 29/100, but for this franchise it's a disastrous result.
Speaking of disasters, XIII's remake got a rather dubious honour: the refreshed version of the iconic shooter turned out to be the second worst scored game of 2020, with an average of 32/100 (XONE edition). Although admittedly, this was calculated based on only eight reviews and the ratings for PC and PS4 version of the game are slightly more gracious. However, it doesn't matter much if players' opinions give even worse testimony to the game. On Steam, only 13% of the more than seven hundred users had a positive opion on the game, and even the reveiws of this handful show hope for improvement rather than enthusiasm. The reception of the new XIII says a lot about the fact that more copies of the original game were sold in the release week than the remake, and the companies responsible for it officially apologized to the buyers.
More:Remake of XIII is so Bad That Players Prefer to Buy the 2003 Original