News 26 January 2020

Fallout 76 Players Recover Items Stolen by Hackers
After the December attack of hackers on the world of Fallout 76, many players lost all their gear. However, Bethesda has taken appropriate measures to repair the damage, so players can recover their equipment and receive free bonuses.
video games
Conrad Hazi
January 26, 2020
First Games From the Reborn MicroProse Will Appear in 2020
MicroProse, currently headed by David Lagettie, has just announced that its first new games will come out in 2020. We still have to wait for some solid nformation, but for some time now we known that the nearest title is to be Warbirds 2020.
video games
Paul Wozniak
January 26, 2020

Premiere of the Uncharted Movie Delayed
A few days ago, we've heard sad news for those who are still waiting for the Uncharted movie. The premiere of the production was delayed to March 2021. Thus, the upcoming title about He-Man (slated for released in March, this year) will also be delayed.
movies & tv series
Paul Wozniak
January 26, 2020
MSI: Not Every Radeon RX 5600 XT Can be Easily Overclocked
AMD caused a lot of commotion by updating the vBIOS of Radeon RX 5600 XTs at the last minute. This decision was probably dictated by the moves of the competitors, but, as MSI claims, not every card can be made to work with higher parameters than those described before the changes.
hardware & software
Conrad Hazi
January 26, 2020