Rustler - Medieval Clone of GTA on Kickstarter
A fundraiser for completing Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) has started on Kickstarter. The game, developed by a Polish team, is a kind of clone of the first installment of GTA, except the gameplay is set in the Middle Ages.

Today, on 4:00 p.m. GMT (7 AM PT), a fundraising campaign for Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) was launched on Kickstarter. The game is being developed by the independent Polish studio Jutsu Games. To complete the title, the developers need to raise a minimum of 25 thousand Canadian dollars. Their latest work is strongly inspired by the first installments of GTA, except that the gameplay is set in medieval ages (and not a particularly realistic recreation of the epoch). The release date will be announced soon, but you can already add the title to your wishlist on Steam.
In Rustler, the player will play as a bald medieval bandit named Guy, who is trying to earn his living in a not exactly legal way and, at the same time, do not land under executioner's axe. In this way, the character takes on a variety of tasks - from stealing horses, through robbing merchants, to witch-hunting.
Nothing stands in the way of wreaking havoc between their missions, using the available arsenal, such as swords, crossbows, axes or even holy grenades or... feces. Such behavior will surely attract the attention of the guards, but fortunately, the players will be given a horse and various vehicles to help them escape from the local law enforcement.
Below you can take a look at some of the game's screenshots, and if you're interested, you can find more information on the game's website on Kickstarter.
More:Rustler - New Gameplay From „Medieval GTA”