SOMA Game Score
This page contains scores of SOMA. Total Score consists of the Average Users' Score, the Editors' Score, and the Experts' Score. Average User Score is an average of all scores given by the players on our websites. Editors' Score is a rating given by the editors of Experts' Score is an average of all scores given by our associated pro gamers. Users' Expectations are the expectations of gamers before the release of the game. SOMA is available for PC PS4 XONE.
PC Game Score of SOMA
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 1037 out of 55122
current position 439 out of 18962
current position 84 out of 7522
Average User Score
Score after release out of 1067 votes
Editor's Score
Our Editor's point of view.
Expert's Score
Additional score by our pro gamers.
Users' Expectations
User expectations prior to release
SOMA Review – a horror straight from the depths of the sea by the creators of Amnesia
Review 24 September 2015
Frictional Games has stood up to the challenge – SOMA is by far the biggest, most scary and elaborate project of the Swedish studio. However, it got lost in its fundamental premise.
PS4 Game Score of SOMA
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 1065 out of 55122
current position 135 out of 5098
current position 85 out of 7522
Average User Score
Score after release out of 344 votes
Expert's Score
Additional score by our pro gamers.
Users' Expectations
User expectations prior to release
XONE Game Score of SOMA
Total Score
Average of Users' Score, Editors' Score and Experts' Score.
Your Score
current position 1087 out of 55122
current position 111 out of 4216
current position 88 out of 7522
Average User Score
Score after release out of 234 votes