News 16 November 2022

Warzone 2 How to Add and Invite Friends Fix; Social Not Working
If you're having trouble inviting friends to play and don't have access to social tab then we have a solution for you. Play Warzone 2 with your friends thanks to us.
video games
Damian Gacek
November 16, 2022

GTA 5 Leaks Large Chunk of Source Code
It looks like GTA 5 also feel victim to the September hacking attack on Rockstar Games, as the source code for the 2013 game has surfaced online.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
November 16, 2022

Tekken 8 May Debut Earlier Than We Thought
Bandai Namco has presented its latest financial results. On the occasion, the publisher referred to the release of the long-awaited Tekken 8.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
November 16, 2022

Battle Pass in Warzone 2; Price and Content
The networked battles in Warzone 2.0 will start in just a few hours. In connection with this, we learned detailed information about the Battle Pass. A lot of novelties await the players.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
November 16, 2022

Core Keeper - Thread of Fate Explained; Oracle Deck Guide
In Core Keeper, you can acquire an item called Oracle Deck. In this guide you will learn how to get it and where the Thread of Fate is located.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
November 16, 2022

Steam Delights With New Feature; Console Lovers Will Appreciate It
The new update to Steam Deck interface (and Big Picture mode) is modest, but players clearly liked the fresh launch animation.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
November 16, 2022

One of Biggest MMO Worlds Got an Extensive Expansion
The Before the Shadow expansion has arrived to The Lord of the Rings Online. It adds a lot of content for both beginners and long-time players.
video games
Adam Adamczyk
November 16, 2022

The Sims 4 With New Safe Space for Mods; Legacy Edition Liquidation
Thanks to Electronic Arts' partnership with the Overwolf group, people playing The Sims 4 have gained access to the Curse Forge platform. This is a fully secure ecosystem designed for modmakers and enthusiasts. In the background, the elimination of Legacy Edition.
video games
Wiktor Szczesny
November 16, 2022

Overwatch 2 Faces Critical Bug; Important Update Delayed
We will have to wait longer for Mei's return to Overwatch 2. Due to the detection of critical issues, the latest update to the game has been delayed.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 16, 2022

New Content for Civilization 6 Officially Announced
The Leader Pass for Civilization VI has just been announced. New legendary leaders in DLC form are coming.
video games
Zuzanna Domeradzka
November 16, 2022

Pentiment - Who Killed the Baron? Is there a right choice?
In this article we will discuss the death of the Baron and address the question of his murderer. We will say who the culprit is. Beware of spoilers!
video games
Damian Gacek
November 16, 2022

WoW: Dragonflight Gets Spectacular Launch Cinematic
World of Warcraft will soon let players check out a new race and class, and for now the developers have graced us with a beautiful cinematic trailer of the Dragonflight expansion.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
November 16, 2022

Bendy and the Dark Revival length; How long is BATDR?
In this article we will address the length of Bendy and the Dark Revival. In addition, we will tell you how many chapters there are.
video games
Damian Gacek
November 16, 2022