Special skills and abilities Challenge Tombs
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider you can gain special skills. You cannot buy them for skill points. You get them during main missions or during the challenge tombs. You will gain all these skills when Lara uses a special chapel designed for this purpose.
Below we have prepared a list of skills acquired in the challenge tombs. We have provided a description in which tomb the skill is acquired and what advantages it adds to your character.
- Eagle's perch (Underworld Gate)
- Caiman's Heart (Judge's Gaze)
- Caiman's Breath II (San Cordoba)
- Hoatzin's Hunger (Temple of the Sun)
- Jaguar's Paw (Ancient Aqueduct)
- Huracan's Mantel (Howling Caves)
- Sip's Strike (Thirsty Gods)
- Kinich Ahau's Boon (Tree of life)
- Sip's Quiver - Path of Battle Tomb
Eagle's perch (Underworld Gate)
Underworld Gate - is a tomb located in Peruvian Jungle. When you complete it you will receive Eagle's perch. It increases your character's climbing speed. This skill cannot be developed.
Caiman's Heart (Judge's Gaze)
Judge's Gaze - is another tomb from the Peruvian Jungle location. Caiman's Heart is a skill, which you will get after completing the challenge tomb. Accelerates the regeneration of your character's health points. This skill cannot be developed.
Caiman's Breath II (San Cordoba)
San Cordoba - is the only tomb you will find in the Cnote location. From the chapel you will get a skill called Caiman's Breath II. They will lengthen your breath holding abilities to swim longer underwater. Combines with Caiman's Breath I.
Hoatzin's Hunger (Temple of the Sun)
Temple of the Sun - is one of many tombs available in The Hidden City. From this tomb you will learn the Hoatzin's Hunger skill. This skill increases the amount of natural materials collected from one place. This skill cannot be developed.
Jaguar's Paw (Ancient Aqueduct)
Ancient Aqueduct - is a tomb located in The Hidden City. Its actual location is in the Upper City. You will come across this tomb during your main missions. To get to the tomb you need to wear a Serpent Guard suit. In this challenge tomb you will acquire the Jaguar's Paw skill. It increases the probability of knocking down an enemy with a melee attack. You cannot further develop this skill.
Huracan's Mantel (Howling Caves)
Howling Caves - it's the only tomb located in the Kuwaq Yaku location. You will find this tomb in the northeastern part of the map. You will get to it by performing the main missions. In this challenge tomb you will obtain the Huracan's Mantel skill. This skill reduces fire and explosion damage.
Sip's Strike (Thirsty Gods)
Thirsty Gods - you will find this tomb in the eastern part of the location, among the water reservoirs. To get to the tomb you have to take a long dive under water. However, the road is straight and there are no opponents in it. Finishing this challenge tomb will grant you a Sip's Strike skill. It increases the damage dealt by your bow's "mighty shot" to armored enemies. The "mighty shot" ability can be purchased in the skill tree. Sip's Strike cannot be developed in any way.
Kinich Ahau's Boon (Tree of life)
Tree of life - The Tree of life tomb is located in the Mission of San Juan location. It's one of the most complex and complicated objects in the game. Many enemies and traps await you in this tomb. Completing this tomb will grant you a Kinich Ahau's Boon skill. It provides immediate, one-time regeneration of health points during a combat. This skill cannot be developed further in any way.
Sip's Quiver - Path of Battle Tomb
Path of Battle - to get to Path of Battle tomb you have to complete the Hearts and Minds side mission. In this tomb you can acquire Sip's Quiver. This ability loses up to three arrows without pulling them from the quiver.
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