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Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? Deathloop guide, walkthrough

This page of the guide explains what the Deathloop invasions are, as well as how to score them correctly when playing as Colt and as Julianna.

Last update: 14 September 2021

On this page of our guide to Deathloop you will find an explanation regarding invasions and their key characteristics - they're one of the game's key mechanics. You'll also find out how to get through invasions - we've prepared separate info and tips both for Colt and Julianna.

Key info about invasions

Invasions are directly connected to the game's main characters - Colt and Julianna - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

Invasions are directly connected to the game's main characters - Colt and Julianna. Invasions occur, because while Colt tries to break the time loop and leave Blackreef throughout his campaign, Julianna wants to stay on the island and therefore tries to meddle in Colt's tasks and objectives. This happens via Julianna's unexpected ambushes. If the subsequent confrontation ends with Julianna's death, Colt will be able to continue his current mission. If, in turn, Julianna manages to murder Colt, the current Loop will restart, and he'll be forced to try again starting from his tunnel hideout.

It is worth noting here that neither of the playable characters can permanently die as a result of an invasion, which means the game doesn't feature a Game Over screen. The worst that can happen to Julianna is failing at slowing down Colt, while the worst that can happen to Colt is wasting time, needing to repeat some of the steps he's made during his current mission or a planned assassination.

Invasions occur at random times when you're playing as Colt, and you're always warned about the main antagonist's arrival. Julianna can be controlled by AI or by a second player (we've described it in more detail below). Having to face another player can of course be more challenging, due to their skill and unpredictability. Fortunately, fighting actual players isn't mandatory. Deathloop can also be played in singleplayer.

You shouldn't avoid invasions at all costs, as they provide various rewards. They can be trophies, challenges regarding invasions, or actual in-game rewards like new powers, weapons or Trinkets.

Completing an invasion while playing as Colt

When starting a new campaign as Colt the game will automatically be set to singleplayer, which means Julianna will be controlled by an AI during invasions - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

When starting a new campaign as Colt the game will automatically be set to singleplayer, which means Julianna will be controlled by an AI during invasions. This will be the case until you finish the Ubiquity story mission.

Once you complete it, you'll unlock an option of turning on online mode and playing against other players. The game mode can be changed by clicking the button in the upper-left corner of the screen. Its three main settings are:

  1. Online Mode - literally anyone can control Julianna. She can be controlled by a random player or by AI.
  2. Friends Only Mode - this setting allows Julianna to be controlled only be people from your friends' list. If none are available, she'll be controlled by an AI. We recommend this choice if you want to avoid malicious players or simply don't wish to play with strangers.
  3. Single Player Mode - The initial setting, playing without any other people. Julianna is always controlled by an AI.

We recommend you to stick to Single Player Mode for some time in order to get to know the game, practice combat against Julianna and obtain some useful weapons and powers. For more info, check the Singleplayer - is it featured in the game? page.

When playing as Colt, the good news regarding Julianna's invasions is that you don't need to be careful all the time - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

When playing as Colt, the good news regarding Julianna's invasions is that you don't need to be careful all the time. You're warned of Julianna's arrival at the district in two ways:

  1. a sound cue,
  2. a message on the screen (example shown on picture).

It's also worth noting that:

  1. Julianna can invade you more than once during a single Loop (that is, during the same day),
  2. Julianna can only appear in locations other Visionaries can be found in.
You won't always run into Julianna during an invasion, but it's very likely, especially if you need to face a motivated player rather than an AI - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

You won't always run into Julianna during an invasion, but it's very likely, especially if you need to face a motivated player rather than an AI. It's worthwhile to quickly prepare to the duel. If you're playing against an AI, you usually have a few seconds of respite after seeing the warning, before the fight against Julianna begins. We recommend that you try to follow at least a few of these steps:

  1. Choose a good weapon for short/medium range combat.
  2. Consider using camouflage (you'll read more about it later) and/or prepare a good offensive/defensive power.
  3. Check your character's health, try to find some FiZ-Pop or a Health station if you need to heal.
  4. Set up some traps. Mines can be useful, you can also try to, for example, hack surrounding turrets.
  5. Find a good defensive position. An interior of a building should do the job. It can make locating Colt more difficult for Julianna, as well as limit her possibilities of a surprise attack. If you have the Aether power, you can use it on a tall rooftop and look out for Julianna while invisible. It could let you spot her more easily and allow you to strike first.

While you're looking for Julianna, you need to know that she has access to a Masquerade power, which can let her shapeshift into a regular enemy. This works both ways, which means a regular enemy may take Julianna's appearance. Try to make sure your target is actually Julianna - you can increase your chances by using Focus (analysing an enemy) or by observing the behaviour of characters around you.

1 - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide
If you've been hiding well and observed the area carefully, you might manage to ambush Julianna - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

If you've been hiding well and observed the area carefully, you might manage to ambush Julianna. Try to attack her from the back, especially if you have a Trinket that increases damage dealt from behind.

Usually, you'll end up in direct combat against Julianna. Use strong firearms, remember to use your powers too. If there are no other enemies nearby, focus your fire entirely on Julianna.

Julianna always drops valuable loot when killed - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

Julianna always drops valuable loot when killed. That can be:

  1. A brand new Slab (power) or an upgrade to one of your powers - it's possible you'll unlock a power by killing Julianna instead of another Visionary who would usually drop it.
  2. Residuum - you can obtain 10000 residuum by absorbing it from Julianna once you defeat her.
  3. Rare weapons and rare Trinkets - they're all worth picking up, even if you don't plan to use them, as they can be sacrificed in return for plenty of Residuum.
Julianna's appearance leads to another handicap - you can't leave the district until you hack an antenna - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

Julianna's appearance leads to another handicap - you can't leave the district until you hack an antenna. The antenna's location is always marked on map, usually on a rooftop.

It's possible to hack the antenna and escape to the tunnels without killing Julianna. If you're playing online, however, you should expect her to be hiding near the antenna, waiting for your move. You can reduce your chances of detection by using Aether (camouflage) while hacking, and by equipping Colt with a Trinker increasing his Hackamajig's range.

Completing an invasion while playing as Julianna

2 - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide
Julianna becomes an available playable character once you finish the campaign's intro while playing as Colt - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

Julianna becomes an available playable character once you finish the campaign's intro while playing as Colt. From that moment forward, the Protect the Loop option will become available in the main menu. You should know two things:

  1. Julianna does not have her own story campaign, but she does have a progress system tied to her - you can obtain new weapons and powers, rank up or complete Feats.
  2. Julianna can be played online-only, since playing as her involves invading "timelines" of other players, interrupting them while they're playing as Colt.
Julianna's headquarters are her apartment, the place she plans her invasions in - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

Julianna's headquarters are her apartment, the place she plans her invasions in. The most important options available are:

1) Loadout - just like Colt, you can select different weapons, powers and Trinkets (both for characters and weapons) from those obtained during invasions. When starting a new game you'll receive a basic loadout of weapons, powers (Masquerade, Havoc) and Trinkets.

2) Hunter Progression - Here you can check the currently available Feats, such as killing Colt with a specific weapon or with a headshot - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

2) Hunter Progression - Here you can check the currently available Feats, such as killing Colt with a specific weapon or with a headshot. Competing feats awards you with points and increases Julianna's Rank.

Julianna's unique power is Masquerade, used to hide your identity - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

Julianna's unique power is Masquerade, used to hide your identity. You do so by using your power (L1) on any eternalist encountered, letting Julianna to take his appearance. This works both ways, and the character you've used Masquerade on will start looking like Julianna. You can use this ability to get closer to Colt without alarming him, or to provoke him to reveal his location.

Julianna can also alert the Eternalists and point out Colt to them - once you notice Colt you can look at him down your sights and hold down on the D-Pad. This can be a good way to distract the other player and weaken him or get close to him.

While playing as Julianna, you can - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

While playing as Julianna, you can:

  1. Invade Random Timelines,
  2. Invade Friend's Timelines,

In both cases, after choosing your option the matchmaking will start. If successful, you'll be transported to the timeline of the invaded player.

While playing as Julianna, you must remember the other player is always warned about the invasion - Deathloop: Invasions - what are they? - FAQ - Deathloop Guide

While playing as Julianna, you must remember the other player is always warned about the invasion. There's no need to rush, as it's likely the other player will be very careful, or might even wait for Julianna to arrive as the invasion starts.

It could be a good idea to wait a while before you start hunting Colt down. Look for attack opportunities when the other player is busy doing something, or is fighting regular enemies.

Ambushing Colt's player near the antenna could also be a good idea. As a reminder, Colt must always hack the antenna before he can escape down to the tunnels and lose Julianna.

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