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Dragon Age Origins: A golem's memories Dragon Age: Origins Guide

Last update: 07 June 2024

Received from: Shale [Anvil of the Void or Campsite]

Description: This quest won't start automatically and it may be problematic to unlock it if you make a bad decision in Orzammar. Here's how all of this can play out:

1) If you haven't finished Anvil of the Void quest (part of the main Plague quest Paragon of her kind) don't forget to take Shale with you to explore the last area of the Deep Roads. You'll have to reach the final chamber together (M59, 9) where you'll listen to a short conversation between the golems and you'll be forced to choose an ally. If you don't want any problems you should side with Caridin. This means you'll have to defeat Brenda and her minions. Make sure to talk to Shale after Caridin has handed over the crown and committed suicide. Your new ally will tell you a few things from its past and ask you for assistance in finding out if it really was a female dwarven warrior. A new location will appear in The deep roads ([Cadash thaig]) and you can go there before returning to Orzammar to hand over the crown.

2) If you've decided to side with Brenda after arriving in the last chamber (M59, 9) things will get more complicated. There is a chance to convince Shale that you're doing the right thing, but you would have to use a high persuasion skill. Otherwise Shale will align itself with Caridin and the death of the golem will not only prevent you from completing this quest but you'll also lose an important ally.

3) If you've activated Shale after your visit to Orzammar and after completing Paragon of her kind quest you should go to the campsite when your visit to [Honnleath] is over. Assuming that you've sided with Caridin earlier in the game (last part of Anvil of the Void quest) you'll only have to talk to Shale and the golem will tell you that in order to remember some things from its past you'll have to travel together to [Caridin's cross]. Go there and as soon as you've arrived you'll trigger a new cut-scene. You may now go to [Cadash thaig].

4) If you've already completed Paragon of her kind and Anvil of the Void quests, BUT decided to side with Brenda you'll have to play it all out correctly. Make sure to fully develop Coercion skill before talking to Shale, because you'll have to use persuasion or lie to prevent the golem from being mad at you and leaving the team.

Assuming youve managed to activate this quest youll start your new journey in a large location called [Cadash thaig] (DLC5, 1) - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Assuming you've managed to activate this quest you'll start your new journey in a large location called [Cadash thaig] (DLC5, 1). Thankfully you won't have to spend too much time here figuring out next steps, because during your time spent in the thaig you'll be dealing mostly with linear corridors and a lot of battles. Expect to encounter the first group of opponents nearby (DLC5, 2). At first you'll be dealing only with genlocks and hurlocks (warriors and archers), however it won't take long for a group of shrieks to arrive from the north. Be careful while fighting these creatures, because they'll be using camouflage to perform surprise attacks.

Go through the rubble found nearby, watch a short cut-scene involving Shale and continue exploring this thaig - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Go through the rubble found nearby, watch a short cut-scene involving Shale and continue exploring this thaig. It shouldn't take long to reach a new large area (DLC5, 3). Don't be fooled by seeing only the darkspawn, because a bronto will show up as soon as you've moved closer to enemy troops. Attack bronto and once it's dead deal with the rest of the monsters. Once it's safe again check the area for crystals and open a chest. Start moving north-west.

You are soon going to be stopped by a mini-boss and in this case its going to be a genlock emissary (DLC5, 4) - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You are soon going to be stopped by a mini-boss and in this case it's going to be a genlock emissary (DLC5, 4). Don't forget that you'll dealing with a mage, so killing the emissary should become your top priority. Watch out for glyphs during this battle, because they may stop you or even harm you if you touch them. Examine genlock's body after the battle to collect a blood gorged amulet and a large flawless crystal. Secure the area around the bridge before moving on, including opening a chest and examining a pile of junk.

Youre going to start encountering deepstalkers when you get to the other side and you should know by now that they arent a big threat - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You're going to start encountering deepstalkers when you get to the other side and you should know by now that they aren't a big threat. Notice that at least in one area deepstalkers are going to be fighting the darkspawn and you shouldn't interrupt them. Watch out for single traps along the way (either avoid them or disarm them with your rogue). Check the entire area after the first big battle to find a wooden chest, a rubble, a pile of bones and a pile of junk. Keep heading south.

Youll be attacked by even more deepstalkers in the near future and as soon as youve dealt with most of them a leader of the deepstalkers will appear near your team - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You'll be attacked by even more deepstalkers in the near future and as soon as you've dealt with most of them a leader of the deepstalkers will appear near your team. This isn't a serious problem, because it'll only take a few more hits to kill it. Instead of focusing on the deepstalkers watch out for genlock rogues, because they'll soon attack your team. Just as before you must wait for them to disable camouflage before attacking them. Check the area once it's safe again to find a pile of bones, a rubble and a chest filled with great runes.

You can explore the western edge of the map if you want to (DLC5, 5) - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You can explore the western edge of the map if you want to (DLC5, 5). Doing this would result in your team being attacked by a couple of shrieks and by a single mini-boss - alpha shriek. I would recommend attacking the normal creatures first and dealing with the boss after they're dead. Make sure to rely on healing spells and potions during this battle, because your team members will probably lose a lot of health in a short period of time. Sadly it'll turn out that the monsters were guarding only a pile of bones and a chest. Head north.

Get ready to deal with yet another boss in the near future and in this case youll be going against an alpha genlock (DLC5, 6) - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Get ready to deal with yet another boss in the near future and in this case you'll be going against an alpha genlock (DLC5, 6). This opponent is an archer, so it would be wise to encourage other beasts to follow you to the south before dealing with the main problem. Don't forget to look around after winning this battle (one locked chest). Save your game before heading up north!

Keep moving towards your current destination and when you get there (DLC5, 7) youll notice that the object Shale was looking for is being guarded by an alpha ogre - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Keep moving towards your current destination and when you get there (DLC5, 7) you'll notice that the object Shale was looking for is being guarded by an alpha ogre. Send at least one warrior into battle and move your archers and mages to a safe distance so they won't be affected by ogre's main attacks. Use a lot of healing spells and potions to keep your warrior (or warriors alive), especially since they'll be taking massive hits. Check ogre's body after the battle to collect Cadash stompers, a remarkable ruby (gift for Shale) and a large flawless crystal.

You may now explore the surrounding area by clicking on interactive objects and collecting additional crystals - Dragon Age Origins: A golems memories - DLC - The Stone Prisoner - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You may now explore the surrounding area by clicking on interactive objects and collecting additional crystals. You must click on the golem's statue to officially end this quest (DLC5, 8). Shale will thank you for your help and aside from earning a lot of experience points you'll also significantly improve your relations with the golem. Deal with the last group of shrieks and use a nearby passageway (DLC5, 9) to leave this thaig.

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