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Dragon Age Origins: Soldier's peak Dragon Age: Origins Guide

Last update: 07 June 2024

Received from: Levi Dryden [Campsite]

Description: You can officially start this quest in the campsite by talking to Levi Dryden (M26, 3) - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Description: You can officially start this quest in the campsite by talking to Levi Dryden (M26, 3). Depending on how much you want to find out about Duncan's past you can agree to his request right away or you can ask him to tell his story and story of Duncan's promise. Dryden will inform you that he'll join your team after your arrival in the mountains. You can go there right now or you can leave this quest for later.


Choose a new location from the map of the world - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Choose a new location from the map of the world. It's called [Soldier's peak] and it can be found to the north-west of Denerim. After you've arrived (DLC1, 1) you'll witness a short cut-scene explaining a journey through the tunnels (you couldn't witness it in person). Once the conversation has ended start moving towards a fortress seen in the distance. Approach the main gate (DLC1, 2) where you'll witness an interesting vision. Notice that if you've already been to The Circle tower you can share the experience of being in the Fade.

Make a few steps forward and youre going to be attacked by a large group of skeletons - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Make a few steps forward and you're going to be attacked by a large group of skeletons. I would recommend staying somewhere near the main gate instead of moving left or towards the stairs seen in the distance, so you won't be fighting more than one group at a time. Thankfully eliminating the undead is going to be a relatively easy challenge, aside from having to deal with one acolyte. Don't forget to protect your mage against enemy attacks, but I'm sure that you'll manage the situation.

Head towards the stairs (DLC1, 3) after securing the surrounding area and youll have to fight a mini-boss - Warden master scout - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Head towards the stairs (DLC1, 3) after securing the surrounding area and you'll have to fight a mini-boss - Warden master scout. This creature is an archer, so it's important to approach it quickly and the same goes with standard archers seen nearby. Once you've defeated the boss make sure to examine its body to collect an Antique warden crossbow. Use the stairs and then click on the gate to travel to [Fortress - Ground floor] (DLC1, 5).


Once youre inside (DLC2, 1) youll witness a new vision, however in this case youll be allowed to move around - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Once you're inside (DLC2, 1) you'll witness a new vision, however in this case you'll be allowed to move around. You can either listen to an entire conversation or you can start exploring the fortress without making any additional stops. Make sure to click on a statement of defiance found on the right wall to add a new entry to your journal.

Open the door leading to the next room (DLC2, 2) and get ready to defeat a new mini-boss - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Open the door leading to the next room (DLC2, 2) and get ready to defeat a new mini-boss. This time you'll be going against an arcane horror and it would be a good idea to wait for the monster to come to you before starting this fight. Aside from the main beast you'll also have to deal with two lesser rage demons.

Check a small note found on the table and then proceed to the western room - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Check a small note found on the table and then proceed to the western room. You'll end up standing in the barracks (DLC2, 3) and it shouldn't be a surprise that you'll have to kill a new mini-boss - Commander Athlar. Once the boss is dead deal with a couple of skeleton archers and find a new note. It would also be a good idea to open several chests found in this room to collect items made of dragon bones.

You may exit this room and proceed to the eastern hallway - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You may exit this room and proceed to the eastern hallway. Here you can either go north or visit a small kitchen found along the way (DLC2, 4). Open a chest, return to the main corridor and proceed to the last room found on this floor (DLC2, 5). Start off by attacking demons showing up in pairs (it would be a good idea to fight them in the main corridor) and finish this battle by defeating an Archivist. Remember that it's recommended to use ice and lightning spells against the demons. Once the battle has ended check Archivist's book found on the floor to trigger a new vision. Talk to Levi and then choose a passageway leading to [Fortress - First floor] (DLC2, 7).

Save your game (DLC2, 8) before proceeding to the southern section of the room - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Save your game (DLC2, 8) before proceeding to the southern section of the room. Once you're there (DLC2, 9) you'll trigger a new cut-scene and when it's over you'll automatically start a fight with a new boss - Rage demon. Ignore the main boss and instead of attacking him start killing dead wardens (they're standing in magical circles). Once they're all gone you may focus your attention on the demon.

Sadly you wont be allowed to kill the rage demon after just a few seconds of combat, because after youve made it weaker new dead wardens will show up in the room - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Sadly you won't be allowed to kill the rage demon after just a few seconds of combat, because after you've made it weaker new dead wardens will show up in the room. This means you must stop attacking the demon and eliminate the wardens as soon as possible. Start attacking the boss again when they're gone and this time you shouldn't be interrupted. Make sure to use a lot of healing spells during both battles, because demon's attacks will inflict a lot of injuries.

After youve successfully defeated the boss youll trigger a new conversation with Levi and youll be allowed to inform him that its possible for Grey Wardens to become blood mages - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

After you've successfully defeated the boss you'll trigger a new conversation with Levi and you'll be allowed to inform him that it's possible for Grey Wardens to become blood mages. Don't forget to examine the demon's body to collect Winter's breath staff. You may now proceed to a nearby chapel where you'll have to defeat a small group of the undead. Once it's safe head north-east (DLC2, 11). Save your game before entering new quarters, because you'll have to make an important decision on how this quest should end.


There are three endings to your conversation with possessed Sophia and basically youll have to choose between killing her and cooperating with her - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

There are three endings to your conversation with possessed Sophia and basically you'll have to choose between killing her and cooperating with her. Bear in mind that if you decide to attack her right now you'll also have to deal with a small group of skeleton guardians. Killing Sophia would disable a force field that was active in the previous corridor (DLC2, 12). If you decide to get rid of her right now make sure to examine her body after the battle in order to collect new items (Warden commander gloves, Warden commander armor, Warden commander boots).

If your character has developed some serious persuasion skills you may start the conversation with Sophia and convince her that she should seal the Veil - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

If your character has developed some serious persuasion skills you may start the conversation with Sophia and convince her that she should seal the Veil. Notice that you can't lie to her, because she would immediately know that something is wrong and in order to reassure her of your good intentions you would have to win a second persuasion attempt. Once she's agreed to seal the Veil you'll return to the main room where you've defeated the last boss (DLC2, 9). Your job here will be to protect Sophia when she's trying to complete a ritual.

Youll have to defeat four groups of enemy monsters - first wave will feature lesser rage demons, second wave will feature greater shades, third wave will feature ash wraiths and lesser rage demons and the final fourth wave will feature a desire demon (main boss) - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You'll have to defeat four groups of enemy monsters - first wave will feature lesser rage demons, second wave will feature greater shades, third wave will feature ash wraiths and lesser rage demons and the final fourth wave will feature a desire demon (main boss). Make sure to monitor health bars of your teammates and to heal them after each wave has been defeated. It's also important to use spells against the demons, because they'll be more vulnerable to attacks made by your mage than to standard melee hits. After you've defeated all the monsters talk to Sophia and agree to grant her wish. You may now head towards the door with a disabled barrier (DLC2, 12).

The best solution is to agree to cooperate with Sophia without asking her to seal the Void - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

The best solution is to agree to cooperate with Sophia without asking her to seal the Void. Remember that you won't have to worry about honoring the deal, because you will be allowed to betray her trust in the future. Don't forget to use persuasion to ask for something in return (after sealing the deal). She'll allow you to choose between disclosing a location of the treasure and telling Levi about his past. Once again - this isn't the final choice, because you will have a chance to make her tell both things. Either way end the conversation and don't forget to click on Sophia's journal on the desk and to inspect nearby chests to find new treasures. You may now return to the corridor. Choose a previously inaccessible passageway leading to [Soldier's peak] (DLC2, 12).


Youll end up standing on a bridge (DLC1, 6) leading to Avernuss tower - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

You'll end up standing on a bridge (DLC1, 6) leading to Avernus's tower. Instead of running to the other side wait for skeleton warriors to come to you. Order your teammates to attack the monsters and in the meantime use your rogue to disable at least a few traps to grant a safe passage for the rest of the squad. You may now deal with a small group of skeleton archers. Once it's safe open the door leading to [Avernus's tower] (DLC1, 7).

Watch out for new undead monsters waiting for you inside the laboratory (DLC2, 13) - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Watch out for new undead monsters waiting for you inside the laboratory (DLC2, 13). Kill them and once it's safe again take your time to explore your surroundings. Make sure to read a book found on the floor to read Avernus's journal concerning new skills and then click on his personal notes found on the table. Finish off by clicking on an alchemical concoction (DLC2, 14). Only the main character can drink the mixture and he or she will be rewarded with two unique talents (different talents depending on character class). SAVE your game before moving on to the next room.


Avernus can be found here (DLC2, 15) and once again you will have to choose between three endings - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Avernus can be found here (DLC2, 15) and once again you will have to choose between three endings. If you want to grant Sophia's wish you can attack the mage right now, but you would have to acknowledge the fact that he will be prepared for your betrayal. Notice that new skeletons have appeared in the room and that Avernus himself is being protected by three glyphs (DLC2, 16). Use magic or one of the members of your team to dispose of one of the glyphs and then attack the mage with everything you've got. Finish the battle by dealing with the skeletons and don't forget to inspect Avernus's body to collect two interesting items - lightning rod and Avernus's robes.

The best solution would be to talk to Avernus and to agree to provide assistance in dealing with Sophia - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

The best solution would be to talk to Avernus and to agree to provide assistance in dealing with Sophia. Remember that this isn't your final choice, because you'll soon have one more chance to decide who should become your permanent ally. Make sure to ask the mage about Levi's ancestors, but you won't find out anything important. Instead you can use persuasion to convince him that when this is all over he should pay for his crimes. End the conversation and follow the mage to the door you've used to get here (DLC2, 13) and then use the bridge to return to [Fortress - First floor] (DLC1, 6).

Unlocking the third ending will only be possible if youve already killed Sophia - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Unlocking the third ending will only be possible if you've already killed Sophia. In this case you can inform Avernus about your success and skip to Securing the fortress section. Either way it would be a good idea to explore Avernus's chamber after talking to him or killing him. There are two crates here and both contain useful objects.


If Avernus has been killed you can report back to Sophia and skip to Securing the fortress section - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

If Avernus has been killed you can report back to Sophia and skip to Securing the fortress section. If Avernus and Sophia are still alive you'll witness a confrontation between them after returning to the tower (DLC2, 12). This is where you'll have to make a final choice of an ally by clicking on one of two dialogue options.

Choosing an ally wont affect the course of this battle, because either Avernus or Sophia will stand by your side and the other person will become hostile (and summon a few weaker creatures) - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Choosing an ally won't affect the course of this battle, because either Avernus or Sophia will stand by your side and the other person will become hostile (and summon a few weaker creatures). Considering the fact that you'll have a new strong companion winning this battle should be easier than having to deal with Avernus or Sophia without additional backup.


After youve defeated Avernus or Sophia youll be forced to protect your new ally and the new battle will take place inside a large room where youve defeated a rage demon not long ago (DLC2, 9) - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

After you've defeated Avernus or Sophia you'll be forced to protect your new ally and the new battle will take place inside a large room where you've defeated a rage demon not long ago (DLC2, 9). You'll have to kill four groups of enemy monsters - first wave will feature lesser rage demons, second wave will feature greater shades, third wave will feature ash wraiths and lesser rage demons and the final fourth wave will feature a desire demon (main boss). Make sure to monitor health bars of your teammates and to heal them after each wave has been defeated. It's also important to use spells against the demons, because they'll be more vulnerable to attacks made by your mage than to standard melee hits. After you've defeated the monsters loot all the bodies (including the body of Avernus or Sophia) and talk to your ally.


If youve chosen Sophia to be your ally you should remind her that she promised you something in return for helping her - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

If you've chosen Sophia to be your ally you should remind her that she promised you something in return for helping her. You can now find out about the hidden treasure (it would be possible to locate it without her help) or you can listen to a story about Levi's ancestors (notice that you'll be allowed to interrupt it at certain points). The interesting thing is that once Sophia holds up to her promise you can use intimidation to force her into telling you the other thing. Finish this conversation by letting the demon go, by informing Sophia that you give her one day before going after her or by attacking her.

If youve chosen Avernus to be your ally you can decide what to do with the mage - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

If you've chosen Avernus to be your ally you can decide what to do with the mage. If you've convinced Avernus earlier on to surrender you'll have an easier choice. Generally you can choose between killing him, convincing him to stop the experiments and discharging him from the Grey Wardens.

Finish this entire quest by talking to your friend Levi Dryden - Dragon Age Origins: Soldiers peak - DLC - Wardens Keep - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Finish this entire quest by talking to your friend Levi Dryden. He will thank you for your help, promise assistance in the future and tell you about his plans for the tower.

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