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Dragon Age Origins: Lothering main map Dragon Age: Origins Guide

Last update: 07 June 2024


Map M25: Lothering

AREAS OF INTEREST - Dragon Age Origins: Lothering main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Area description


- Youll encounter a group of people while exploring southern areas of [Lothering] (M25, 1) and youll discover that a Merchant is having an argument with the refugees demanding to lower prices on all of his wares - Dragon Age Origins: Lothering main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- You'll encounter a group of people while exploring southern areas of [Lothering] (M25, 1) and you'll discover that a Merchant is having an argument with the refugees demanding to lower prices on all of his wares. There are a few ways how this can end:

1) You can force the refugees to leave the Merchant alone and he would reward you with 100 silver coins. In addition you can ask him to lower his prices only for you.

2) You can force the Merchant to leave Lothering or you can kill him. I wouldn't recommend doing this, because you won't gain any rewards and you'll lose a potential business partner.

3) You can use persuasion and convince the Merchant that he should lower his prices (for everyone).

4) You can use intimidation and force the Merchant to lower his prices (for everyone).

If you choose endings 3 or 4 he'll remain in Lothering, but you'll lose a chance of receiving a reward from him.

- A Doomsayer will stop you near the entrance to [Lothering - Chantry] (M25, 2). You can respond to his accusations, ignore him, listen to his sad story, convince him that he should leave peacefully or use intimidation/persuasion. In addition you'll have a chance to affect some of the townsfolk - you can assure them that everything is going to be all right, scare them away or even demand that they should hand over all their valuables in exchange for a promise of a safe future.

- Sir Donall can be found in [Lothering - Chantry] (M25, 3) and he'll inform you about arl Eamon's illness and you'll also find out that some believe the urn of sacred ashes to be the only cure.

- Sir Bryant can be found inside [Lothering - Chantry] (M25, 4) and during your initial conversation with him you can mention the bandits youve met on the bridge - Dragon Age Origins: Lothering main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- Sir Bryant can be found inside [Lothering - Chantry] (M25, 4) and during your initial conversation with him you can mention the bandits you've met on the bridge. Naturally you'll have several options on what to do next and a lot will depend on whether you've granted yourself a one-time passage or scared them away for good. The best solution is to announce their defeat or their escape, because you would receive a reward after your story has been checked out (use persuasion to demand additional help). Bryant will give you a key. use this object to open a small locker found in the western section of the chantry and collect medical supplies before leaving the area.

- You can ask the Revered Mother found in [Lothering - Chantry] (M25, 5) for a blessing, but you'll have to offer at least 30 silver coins to receive it.

- Be careful while exploring the area to the north-west of the village, because youre going to be stopped by a group of refugees (M25, 6) and theyll want to kill you hoping to receive a reward for your head - Dragon Age Origins: Lothering main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- Be careful while exploring the area to the north-west of the village, because you're going to be stopped by a group of refugees (M25, 6) and they'll want to kill you hoping to receive a reward for your head. As soon as the battle has started head south to encourage only some of them to chase after you and to avoid getting too close to bandits found in the same area.

- Check the area near the northern exit from [Lothering] (M25, 9) and you should be able to find a body of a blood mage. Examine the body to collect a sealed letter and to find out about the existence of a secret stash in the Circle tower.

- [Lothering] is going to be destroyed by the Plague later on in the game, so it would be a good idea to complete all the missions tied to this village before finishing any of the main quests of the game (Lothering and the imperial highway is the only exception).


- As soon as youve entered [Lothering - Danes refuge] (M25, 7) youre going to be stopped by a group of Loghains men - Dragon Age Origins: Lothering main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- As soon as you've entered [Lothering - Dane's refuge] (M25, 7) you're going to be stopped by a group of Loghain's men. You won't be able to talk your way out of this one, so sooner or later you'll have to engage them in combat. Focus only on attacking their leader, because once he's lost enough health points the battle is going to be stopped and you'll have to choose between finishing off the soldiers and letting them go (right away or after passing on a message to Loghain). You'll now a have a chance to talk to Leliana and she'll want to join your team.

- The second person you'll be allowed to add to your ranks is a qunari named Sten (M25, 8). If you don't possess proper skills to pick the lock on his cage you'll have to solve a short subquest - The imprisoned qunari.


- Merchant [Lothering] (M25, 1) - only if you didn't kill or scare him away

- Barlin [Lothering - Dane's refuge] (M25, 2)


- Blackstone irregulars [Lothering - Dane's refuge] (M25, B)

- Chanter's board [Lothering] (M25, C)

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