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Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

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Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 Dragon Age: Origins Guide

Last update: 07 June 2024


Check the table below to find out about the monsters you may encounter during your journeys. Naturally the chart doesn't list any bosses, because you'll fight them only once and the main section of this guide describes how to kill them.

Abominations - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 6/10

The most important thing for you to remember is the fact that all the abominations will be exploding soon after their death. Don't forget to move away from the danger area to avoid unwanted injuries. This can be resolved by using protection spells or wearing items which increase resistance to a certain element (mostly it's about fire).


Arcane horrors / Ash wraiths - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Arcane horrors / Ash wraiths

Threat level: 8/10 - 9/10

Large groups of arcane horrors and ash wraiths can be encountered during your stay in The Circle tower (including the Fade) and while exploring the elven ruins located next to Brecilian forest. Prevent fighting too many of these beasts at the same time, especially since a lot of them will be treated as mini-bosses. Keep trying different spells to harm them aside from sending warriors and archers into battle.


Bears - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 4/10 - 5/10

Bears can cause problems in early stages of the game (for example - while completing one of the side missions in Lothering) due to their high resistance to melee attacks and the ability of knocking down members of your team. Later in the game killing them won't be a problem, however a few bears will play roles of mini-bosses.


Bronto - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 5/10 - 6/10

You will be dealing with Brontos while exploring different areas near Orzammar and in most cases you won't have to make any additional preparations before engaging them in combat. Watch out for their frontal attacks at the start of each battle and once you've dodged them start attacking the beasts. Bear in mind that brontos are usually accompanied by hurlocks and genlocks, but you should focus on killing the beast before attacking the darkspawn.

Deepstalkers - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 2/10 - 3/10

Deepstalkers are small creatures which lack magical abilities so killing them won't be a problem. The only thing you'll have to remember about is that they like to perform surprise attacks, however even your less resistant team members shouldn't be afraid of encountering them. You'll meet stronger deepstalkers (leaders) in a few areas of the game, but for most of the time it'll only take a few moments to kill them.


Demons - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 7/10 - 8/10

Demons appear in different forms, however for most of the time their arrival means trouble. Always start off by eliminating demons capable of inflicting massive fire injuries, especially if your team is not too resistant to those types of attacks. Avoid fighting larger groups of demons, because it may get ugly if they surround one of less resistant members of your team.


Dragonlings - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 4/10

You'll encounter these smallest types of dragons during your stay in The Circle tower and while exploring the caves located beneath the Ruined temple. Killing them should be easy, even though they will be more effective in large groups than deepstalkers or wolves.


Dragons - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 10/10

You'll encounter only several dragons during the course of the game and in each case it's going to be an EXTREMELY difficult duel. I would recommend engaging the beasts in combat in the final stages of the game when your team has advanced to higher experience levels and received powerful weapons and armors. Don't forget to choose one mage with healing capabilities for each dragon battle and at least one archer to attack the monster from a distance.

Drakes - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 6/10 - 7/10

Be careful while fighting these small dragons, especially if you're going to be surprised by a larger group. I would always recommend staying in narrow passageway to prevent them from surrounding your team. Increasing your resistance to fire via spells or magical items is also a good idea.

Genlocks - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 3/10 - 7/10

Genlocks are very common types of monsters, because they're one of two types of the darkspawn. You won't have to be afraid of genlock warriors, however you will have to watch out for their other variations. Emissaries are mages so they always have to go down first and you should also be on a look out for rogues (they perform surprise attacks using camouflage) and archers.

Ghosts - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 6/10

Ghosts can be found in The Deep Roads or in the Abandoned orphanage in Denerim. The good news is that you won't have to rely only on magic while fighting them, because your melee attacks can also injure them. Nevertheless you should be careful and avoid fighting larger groups.

Golems - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 8/10

You won't encounter too many golems during your journeys. This is good news, because killing the stone beasts is always going to be a big problem. Try fighting only golem at a time to avoid unwanted problems. Use warriors to attack the golems and monitor their health bars, so they won't receive fatal injuries.

Hurlocks - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat: 4/10 - 7/10

Hurlocks are the second type of darkspawn and you'll be encountering them as often as genlocks. You should know that usually they're going to be more resistant and their attacks will inflict more damage. Watch out for "upgraded" versions of the beasts, including emissaries, archers and powerful alpha hurlocks (warriors).


Mabari hounds - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Mabari hounds

Threat level: 3/10 - 4/10

Mabari hounds will often accompany members of the intelligent races of Ferelden and you should always attack them after dealing with enemy mages. Protect your archers and mages so they won't be knocked out by any of the dogs.

Ogres - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 7/10 - 9/10

The first ogre in the game can be encountered at the top of the Ishal tower, but thankfully other beasts are going to be much easier to kill (aside from new ogre bosses). Each time you've encountered an ogre send your warriors into combat, use an archer to aid them from a distance and a mage to heal them. Don't move your archers and mages too close, because one of ogre's attacks creates a deadly shockwave. Avoid fighting more than ogre at a time and if you see more of them try encouraging only one beast to follow you.

Rats - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 1/10

You won't find too many rats in the game and killing them won't be a problem. Even an inexperienced character can succeed easily.


Revenants - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 8/10 - 9/10

Revenants are among the most powerful types of the undead creatures encountered in the game and you'll be fighting them mostly after touching vials found in different areas of the world. Killing a revenant is always going to be a huge problem because of its strong attacks and high resistance, so you should consider challenging these monsters later in the game. A stronger team will have a chance to win instead of being slaughtered in a manner of seconds.

Shades - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 7/10 - 8/10

Most of these monsters can be encountered in areas also occupied by various types of demons. It shouldn't take long until you notice that shades are very vulnerable to magic so it would be a good idea to have a few good spells in your arsenal.

Shrieks - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 6/10 - 7/10

Shrieks can be encountered mostly while exploring Dead trenches in The deep roads, however you will also be fighting them in other areas of the world. Don't forget that they will always use camouflage to attack your team by surprise, so don't forget to protect your archers and mages if they do end up being attacked by more than one monster. Prevent the shrieks from surrounding your team if possible by moving back to small rooms or narrow corridors.


Spiders - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 4/10 - 7/10

You'll encounter many different types of spiders during the game and most of them are going to be relatively easy to kill. Watch out for rare types of these monsters, because not only they're going to be more resistant to your attacks but they'll also use spider webs or knockouts to stop or injure your teammates. Make sure to eliminate these threats as soon as possible, especially while fighting a larger group of spiders.

Sylvans - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 6/10 - 7/10

Big moving trees will be encountered for the first time during your stay in the western section of the Brecilian forest and you can expect to meet more of them in the future. Ignore the fact that all the trees are moving slowly, because one of their attacks uses roots to immobilize a target along with inflicting some injuries. Instead attack them with your warriors and make sure to have at least one mage to heal their wounds.

Undead - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 4/10 - 5/10

You will be dealing with different types of zombies and skeletons during the entire game, including your visits to Redcliffe castle, The Circle tower, Brecilian ruins and Fort Drakon (near the end of the game). Eliminating the undead shouldn't be a big deal, however you must prevent them from surrounding your team.

Werewolves - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 6/10 - 7/10

Eliminating most of the werewolves won't be a big problem, because your team should be powerful enough to defeat them when you start exploring Brecilian forest. Watch out for larger groups, especially after making your way to their lair found in the ruins. The same goes with plague werewolves, because they're going to be much more powerful than standard beasts.

Wolves - Dragon Age Origins: Bestiary - Part 1 - World Atlas - Appendix - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide


Threat level: 3/10 - 7/10

You'll be dealing with weaker types of wolves in the early stages of the game, however you will start encountering more powerful beasts soon enough. I would strongly recommend paying attention to plague wolves, because not only those beasts are going to be more powerful than usual wolves but they will also be capable of knocking down members of your team.


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