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Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

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Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map Dragon Age: Origins Guide

Last update: 07 June 2024


Map M64: Market district

1 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M65: Denerim - Other locations

2 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M66: Elven alienage

3 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M67: Abandoned orphanage

4 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M68: Elven alienage - Other locations

5 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M69: Denerim - Alleys

6 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M70: Abandoned building

7 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M71: Arl Eamon's estate

8 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M72: Arl of Denerim's estate - Exterior

9 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M73: Arl of Denerim's estate - Interior

10 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M74: Arl of Denerim's estate - Dungeon

11 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M76: City gates

12 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M77: Palace district

13 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M78: Fort Drakon

14 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M79: Fort Drakon - Main floor

15 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M80: Fort Drakon - First floor

16 - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Map M81: Fort Drakon - Roof

AREAS OF INTEREST - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

Area description


- Sister Teohilda and Mother Perpetua can be found in [Denerim - Market district] (M64, 1) and you can talk to them about the Song of the Light.

- Liselle is selling her goods in [Denerim - Market district] (M64, 2) and you can talk to her about flowers or about her home land.

- Sanga is running a brothel in [Denerim - Pearl] (M65, 2). You can pay 40 silver coins (or 30 silver coins if you use persuasion) for the services she is offering and you'll be allowed to choose between a man, a woman and a "surprise".

- After you've successfully completed both quests for Sergeant Kylon make sure to talk to him later in the game. He can still be found in [Denerim - Market district] (M64, 3) and he'll offer you additional gold as a token of his appreciation.

- During your time spent in [Denerim] you can encounter Taliesen of the Antivan Crows - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- During your time spent in [Denerim] you can encounter Taliesen of the Antivan Crows. The meeting will occur only if you've already recruited Zevran and while travelling between different parts of the city. Listen to a short conversation between him and Zevran (your elven follower will automatically join your main team) and after that you'll start a battle with a group of assassins. Make sure to STAY AWAY from the stairs, because the entire area is booby-trapped.

- If you decided to become a city elf at the beginning of the game and if you agreed to take Vaughan's bribe instead of killing him you'll have a chance to retrieve the gold he gave you as soon as you've started Saving the queen quest. Wait for your team to end up in [Denerim - Arl of Denerim's estate - Exterior] and head north-west. Examine debris found near one of the walls of the estate (M72, 1).

- Once youve successfully completed Saving the queen quest visit arl Eamons room in his estate and youll meet Riordan (M71, 1) - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- Once you've successfully completed Saving the queen quest visit arl Eamon's room in his estate and you'll meet Riordan (M71, 1). He's the Grey Warden you've had a chance to rescue while exploring [Denerim - Arl of Denerim's estate - Interior] and in return for freeing him he'll mention a treasure. You may now travel to [Denerim - Market district - Market warehouse] (M65, 3). Clicking on a cabinet will unlock a secret room filled with a lot of valuable items.

- During your stay in [Denerim - Elven alienage] you may be stopped by a hungry veteran (M66, 1) and if you decide to give him money the next time you pass by this area you'll encounter more beggars and they'll also ask you for help. They will continue growing in numbers until you give coins to all of them. If you want to end this prematurely you can use intimidation and you can also uncover a wealthy elf who was trying to blend in with the rest of the beggars.

- Once you've successfully completed Unrest in the alienage quest and assuming that you've decided to help the elves instead of allowing them to become slaves you can visit their leader Valendrian in [Denerim - Elven alienage - Valendrian's house] (M68, 1). He will thank you for your help and offer you Grey Warden's gift.

- You may be attacked by the bandits while travelling between different areas of [Denerim] and they will stop you near a large gate. Notice that they will reveal their positions only if you've stepped through the gate, so you'll have to act quickly. Once they're gone head back to the stairs and look around to find a phylactery. Trying to interact with the vial will result in a powerful revenant attacking your team.


- Loghain can join your team at the end of Landsmeet quest - Dragon Age Origins: Denerim main map - World Atlas - Maps - Main areas - Dragon Age: Origins Game Guide

- Loghain can join your team at the end of Landsmeet quest. Start off by heading to [Denerim - Royal palace - Hall of the Landsmeet] and click on the door to proceed with the quest (M71, 2). During the meeting you'll have to defeat Loghain, either in a honorable duel or in a huge battle. This will trigger a conversation with some of your allies, including Alistair. Most of the people in the palace will want to see Loghain's death, however you will have to ignore their demands and instead listen to Riordan's plan. Riordan will suggest that Loghain should take part in Grey Warden's ritual and if he survives he should join the others in the final battle against the archdemon. If you agree to this plan Alistair will not only leave your team forever, but he's also going to be executed. You can prevent this from happening by talking to Anora and reminding her of your agreement and in this case instead of being killed he would be banished from the kingdom. As for Loghain, you'll have a chance to talk to him and to equip him with better items after the landsmeet has ended.


- Herren [Denerim - Market district - Wade's emporium] (M64, 1)(M65, 1) - notice that you won't be allowed to barter with him anymore after you've successfully completed both dragon armor quests

- Gorim [Denerim - Market district] (M64, 2)

- Cesar [Denerim - Market district] (M64, 3) - you can ask him about showing you special items after you've completed Trial of the Crows quest for Ignacio

- Bartender [Denerim - Market district - Gnawed noble tavern] (M64, 4)(M65, 2)

- Silent owner [Denerim - Market district - Wonders of Thedas] (M64, 5)(M65, 3)

- Alarith [Denerim - Elven alienage - Alarith's store] (M66, 1)(M68, 1) - you'll be allowed to trade with him after completing Unrest in the alienage quest

- Sandal [Denerim - Fort Drakon - Main floor] (M79, 1) - last chance before the final battle with the archdemon (aside from buying goods he can also enchant your items)


- Chanter's board [Denerim - Market district] (M64, C)

- Mages' collective [Denerim - Market district] (M64, M)

- Bartender (favors) [Denerim - Market district - Gnawed noble tavern] (M65, F)

- Blackstone irregulars [Denerim - Market district - Gnawed noble tavern] (M65, B)

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